30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Closing Ceromonies & Two More Questions

Before I begin asking you guys anymore questions, I just want to thank everyone who's taken the time to:

A.  Read my posts.
B.  Leave comments on my posts.
C.  Write blog posts in response to the contest questions.

I know this contest has been excruciatingly long (today is the 53rd day), but I've had a great time reading & responding to your comments & posts.  Many of us stated that part of the reason we collect is the cardboard camaraderie and the goal of this contest was to build just that.

Okay... now that the sappy stuff is out of the way, let's get down to business.  There are two more questions for you to answer, which means you have two more ways to earn some points, but don't worry because this time I'll give you two days for you to respond.

The first question was submitted by our very own SpastikMooss.  He asks...

Which method do you find best for shipping cards? Could be a nice way for people to share their strategies.

Shipping is such a key element when it comes to trading and it can easily turn a great trade into a less than pleasant experience.  Most of the packages I ship out are packaged like this:

Step 1:  I secure the card(s) in a penny sleeve (or penny sleeves), a top loader (or top loaders), and a team bag.

Step 2:  If I think there needs to be extra support, I'll add pieces of cardboard or decoys.

Step 3:  95% of the time, I'll use a recycled padded envelope.  However sometimes I run out and need to use new ones.

Step 4:  Last, but not least... I usually ship out my mail through the USPS using their first class service.  If I'm dealing with a high end trade, I'll ship with delivery confirmation and insurance.

Now, I'm not going to say that I always use padded envelopes.  There have been times I've shipped using the dreaded PWE (plain white envelope).  But before I'm crucified by the community, let me explain.  I use PWE's under very specific circumstances:

A.  It's a very cheap transaction and both of us have agreed to ship using PWE's.

B.  I'm sending a cheap gift and I don't have the time to get to the post office.

Either way, when I use PWE's, I still secure the card(s) as described in Step 1.

Okay... it's your turn.

Which method do you find best for shipping cards?

1 Point - Leave your response below.
2 Points - If you've already answered this question in a past blog post, then leave a link below.
3 to 5 Points - Write your response in a new blog post.

I'll accept responses until Saturday at 3pm (PST).  I look forward to reading your responses.

But before you leave, there's one more question and I need to recap all of the prize packages.

I will be tallying up the points sometime Saturday afternoon/evening (could be as late as Sunday morning) and enter all of the names into random.org.  Just a reminder:  for every 5 points you earn, your name will be entered once into the randomizer.  I will randomize the names 5 times and take the top 10 names.  Why only 10?  I take only ten, because the top 3 point earners are automatically entered into the prize pool.

As soon as I have the thirteen names, I reenter the names into the random.org and randomize the names 5 times.  This will be the order in which the winners will select their prizes.

Now here's your second question... actually it's more of a task:

In the comments below list your prize preferences.

If a member does not leave a prize package preference, then I move on to the next person on the list and he/she will get whatever prize package remains.  What does that mean?

Well... if you want to be super safe, you'll rank all of the prize packages.  

EX:  C, L, K, A, F, D, etc.

But if there are only a few prizes that you really care about, then rank those ones and cross your fingers.

For your time and effort, I'll reward everyone who ranks their prize preferences with 3 points.

Okay... let's get to the prizes:

Prize Package A: Kellogg's Lenticular 15 Card Lot

Prize Package B: 2012 Wax Eye Cereal Killers Series 1 Sticker Set

Prize Package C: 1983 Donruss HOF Heroes Set

Prize Package D: Graded Football Card Lot

Prize Package E: Japanese Kitty Cat Cards, Promos, & Baseball Card Lot

Prize Package F: College Basketball 9 Card Autograph Lot

Prize Package G: 14 Card Baseball Refractor Lot

Prize Package H: Non-Sport Wax Pack Lot

Prize Package I: Yastrzemski & Musial Donruss Puzzle Lot

Prize Package J: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Playing Cards

Prize Package K: Journeymen Lot

Prize Package L: Buck O'Neil Autographed 8x10

Prize Package M: San Francisco Giants Lot

Alright let's review.  I need two things:

#1 - Your answer to SpastikMooss's question.
#2 - Your prize package rankings.

I'll reward you with points if I receive your responses by Saturday at 3pm (PST).  Thanks in advance.

Happy Thursday and sayonara.


  1. 1) I send cards almost exactly as you do. Sleeve and top loader but I wrap them together with tape if multiples or tape to a piece of cardboard is a single card. That goes in a padded envelope.

    If it's just a single cheap card I use a PWE. I'll tape a couple of empty cheap loaders around that with tape if I think it needs it.

    2) I'm waay out of the points race I presume but if I wasn't the Buck O'Neill pic would by my pick.

    Been fun and food for thought though. So thanks, Fuji!

    1. You're totally in the running. Actually anyone who has at least 1 point is technically still in it. Best of luck and thanks for participating.

  2. #1 -- I send cards pretty much the way you do. I've never bought a new bubble mailer in my life, I've always used recycled ones, which have worked fine.

    Usually, I'll use PWEs if it's a one or two card trade, although I still protect them like I would in a bubble mailer. In all my years of trading, I've never had a complaint about any of the PWEs I've sent.

    #2 -- Here's how I'd rank the prize packages:

    A, L, C, E, G, K, M, I...I don't really have a preference on all the others.


    1. Thanks for participating Nick! Best of luck.

  3. packagaing really depends on what it is I'm shipping and where. Usually it's 20-100 cards and to the U.S. Since postage rates in Canada are 2-3x higher than in the U.S., I have to package things differently. The envelope has to be less than 2cm thick. (3/4")
    I once sent around 200 cards to Wicked by making 9 different piles in team bags and a top decoy, then taping them to a 8 1/2 x 11 piece of thin cardboard and sliding that into a 9x12 bubble envelope. It only cost me $9 to ship instead of $18 in a small 200 ct box.

    as far as the prizes go.... L, A, G, C, E, J, B


  4. I send cards the way you do, although I confess I buy a lot more padded envelopes than others. I just haven't gotten in the habit of recycling them (shame on me). Plain white envelopes are risky, but I find they're handy for just a couple of cards. I stress, do NOT use a top loader in a PWE. You're asking for trouble. Just fold the penny-sleeved cards inside a relatively sturdy 8x11 piece of paper and try to fold the edges of the paper on each side, so the cards are relatively restricted from moving around.

    Also, please, please, please, use blue tape. It secures fantastically and it can be removed buy the person receiving the cards so easily. Scotch tape is the devil.

    OK, my prize rankings:

    M (don't send me M!!)

    1. Yeah, DODGER BLUE painters tape. :-(

    2. Didn't realize top loaders & PWE's don't mix. I'm assuming it jams the machine. Thanks for the tip.

  5. 1. Thanks for using my question! I send cards a lot like you do. I tend to always use decoys though, just in case. And I try to always use a size 000 mailers. It's just so much more snug than a 00 or 0, which means the cards are often a lot safer since they don't bounce around.

    I do have a nice little PWE recipe too now thanks to Listia!

    For PWE, card in a sleeve, in a loader, which is pinched at the top to secure the card and taped with blue painter's tape. I then do a team bag over that, and I usually blue painter's tape the bag to the PWE if I can so it won't move a lot.

    I then reinforce the seal of the PWE with clear plastic tape.

    And then the biggest part, when I go to mail it I tell the postmaster to write non-machinable. My local lady does it for 20 cents, and that 20 cents can be the different between a PWE being destroyed or a PWE making it.

    Haven't had any issues since I started doing this. BUT I have only used one card at a time and every time they were pretty thin. Not sure I'd risk it on thicker cards or relics.

    2. As for prizes, most wanted to least wanted are
    k, g, d, b, f, h, m, l, a, e, i, c, j

    1. I thought it'd be interesting to hear people share their shipping tricks. Thanks for the question.

  6. 1) I following the same general guidelines you do, but I also try put "DO NOT BEND" in big letters on all my shipments, just in case. Also, for PWE, I still used a hard top loader and secure the card in it with blue tape. BLUE TAPE EVERYONE!!!! BLUE!!!! Stop using clear tape on top loaders... ok, my OCD soap box is over...
    2) I really don't have a preference, if I win anything I'm happy to take whatever is and if it's the last left over prize, so be it.

    1. Lol... guess I'd better ship all the prizes wrapped in blue tape or I'll be banned from blogosphere.

  7. My method is very similar to yours. I also use a healthy dose of blue painters tape, and extra buffer cards where needed. One good tip is to get a sheet of foam poster board (dollar tree has large sheets) and cut it up. You can get 40-50 decoy-ish foam rectangles that bulk up the package but are very light.

    As for my prize preference:

    Thanks for the contest, enjoyed it!

    1. Like the poster board suggestion. My students leave their projects in my class all the time. Instead of recycling them, I'll bring them home and cut them up.

  8. I ship cards any way possible to get teh job done. Boxes of paper, bubble wrap, penny sleeves. I used whatever is handy to add cushion to the cards. Of course top loaders or cases as necessary.

    Order: L-G-M-A-C-I-F-D-K-H-J-B

    1. Thanks for participating Kirk... best of luck!

  9. Well done Fuji.

    Everything I send out goes in penny sleeves then a dummy card on the top and bottom, into a team bage then in a padded envelope. I've never had a problem.

    L A G C D K I E H F M J

  10. i ship very similar to you - penny sleeve and top loader. anything under 3 cards does not get a team bag. however, they always get additional support - more top loaders or some cardboard.
    i always use recycled bubble envelopes also. the p.o. guy commented on that on my last trip.
    i'm on the fence about using PWE's. maybe if we both agree to it, i'll be open.

    prize order - A, C, D, L, E, G, j

    thanks !

    1. Thanks for participating Stealing Home! Best of luck.

  11. Depends on what it is but similar to everyone else here---bubble mailers, penny sleeves, top loaders, painters tape

    L F D K E J H G I C A B M

    1. Thanks for participating Kazi! Best of luck.

  12. 1). I've only traded via mail once (one of the disbenefits of living in Japan), but when I do I usually put the cards individually into card sleeves and then top loaders and stick them in the envelope and ship them away.
    *The one time I did trade through the mail the other guy made a video. I think you can find it on Youtube if you search "Mailday DJDriveus."

    2). G, M, J
    TBH not many of those prizes caught my eye.

    1. I'll have to look it up. Best of luck on getting one of the top 3 spots.

  13. I agree with your shipping method, with one extra step that if everyone would follow (I'm looking at you eBay sellers) would make getting cards in the mail even better: NO CLEAR TAPE ON TOPLOADERS!!! A roll of blue painters tape works just as good at keeping the toploader closed during transport, and it doesn't leave any sticky residue on the toploader. I have a drawer of zombified toploaders that I can't use for my cards because they stick together in my card drawers. So, in short:
    Blue painters tape/masking tape = ZOMG I LOVE YOU, LET'S TRADE/BUY/SELL TOGETHER AGAIN SOON!!!
    Clear packing/scotch tape = ZOMG WHY DO YOU HATE ME!!?!?!!??

    L, G, C, K, I, F, A, all others.

    Thanks for another great contest!

    1. Damn... I probably have offended a ton of traders. I'm always using clear tape ;-)

  14. Blue tape? I'm calling B.S. I've never even heard of anyone doing that. And just for the sake of saving a used top loader? Saving some one else's just seems dirty. You blue tape people must be filthy.

    I use pwe's, sandwich the cards between used dirty top loaders in a team bag, and tape it to the center of the envelope. If you spring for the 72 cent stamp the PO won't run it through the machine. I've never had a complaint.

    Saving used top loaders, really? Your cards deserve better. I'm going to start marking the top loaders I send out with a sharpie just as a public service announcement sort of deal. "do
    Not re-use"

  15. 1. I always use a bubble mailer. Usually a recycled one. Team bags, dummy cards and top loaders are also used. I try to take good care of the cards when I ship them.

    2. L,E,A,G,C

    1. Thanks for participating Spiegel83! Best of luck.

  16. Final entry:


    and the secret code:
    L G A I M C J E H B K F D

    1. Thanks for all of those great posts... Looks like you'll be one of the automatic entries. Congratulations!

  17. I'm very similar to you, Fuji. I am a culprit to the PWE snafu, but most of the time it's when I'm sending a card for a cheap transaction, of if I'm sending a small gift for free, as you mention. Otherwise, I try and put cards in a team bag and padded envelope. Impressive, eh?

    This was a great contest. Very unique and fun.

    L, K, F, G, A, C, E, I, D, B, H, M, J

    1. Thanks for participating TLC! Best of luck.

  18. Hey Fuji,
    Question #1) I ship pretty much the same as you do don't always use a team bags. Also when shipping 8x10's I use the cardboard mailing envelopes from the USPS slip pictures inside the seal that up and then use Staples oversize envelopes and write do not bend on both sides haven't had a problem doing that way.
    Question #2) L,F,K,G,D,M,A,H,J,E,C,B & I. Think that is all 13 in order for you. Thanks for the contest, Dion
    P.S. Buck O'Neil has a home on the East Coast in my House!!! lol

    1. Best of luck in bring Buck home! Thanks for participating.

  19. Fuji,

    I posted here, and my post has my prize preference ranking, but I'll give it to you again.


    A,L,G,E,K,I,D,C,B,F,H,J,...as for M, you need to read the end of my post to see what I think about M.

    Thanks for an awesome contest!!

    1. LOL... awesome. I'll make sure to pass on prize package M to the 14th person on the list. Wouldn't want you to have to reinvest your money on an education. That money should go to cardboard.

      Best of luck!

  20. I pack similar to most. Base cards in team bag sandwiched between 2 toploaders and a couple of blockers. Relics and autos usually get their own top loaders and then blockers on the outsides. Sometimes a snap case works best but still with blockers on the outside. A big thing with me is using paper tape, not packing tape. PACKING TAPE SUCKS!!! It damages everything it touches ans is a bitch to remove. Next the bundle goes in a padded mailer with old pack wrappers for padding. Seal it up and cover the labels with clear tape so rain cant smear the addresses and off to the post office.

    Prize order:

    Thanks for yet another great contest!

    1. Thanks for participating! Best of luck BA Benny!

  21. The shipping method you use is the one I use. Only I like to add in a few extras to the person ;)

    K, F, G, D, L, M, B, C, A, E and H

    1. Extras are nice! Thanks for participating.

  22. If I have enough cards to fill a box, I just put them in one of those. Otherwise, if it's 15-30 cards, I put two cards per penny sleeve, and tape them between pieces of cardboard. That goes into a padded envelope. Stamps are added. Into the mailbox.

    As for preferences...A,C,G,J,M,L,K,I,H,F,D,B,E

    1. Thanks for participating... best of luck Section 36!

  23. It all depends on what I'm shipping, though I've never used a PWE or recycled bubbler.

    Any hit gets a penny sleeve and toploader, often a team bag, sometimes multiple hits per team bag. Extra base and inserts get a team bag for the lot with the end ones in sleeves and some decoys for protection before being placed in said team bag.

    I pinch shut the tops of toploaders with some tape to ensure the hits don't slide around. I also tape team bags after they've been closed, just for added protection.

    Having just finished my second card draft, I've had to ship more cards than ever before, so maximizing space in a bubbler is key.

    I also include a note with every package I ship.

    And blue painter's tape.

    Use it people.

    As far as the prize packages go:


    Thanks for the fun contest Fuji!

    1. I'm going to the flea market today... I need to remember to grab some blue tape ;-)

      Thanks for participating... best of luck Greg!

  24. My shipping methods are pretty close to yours...penny sleeves, top loaders. I've taped them shut before with clear tape, so I may have to investigate the painter's tape. I haven't sent any cards yet (I'm trying to organize the collection) but I am assuming I'll be using the padded envelope. Back in college when I traded CCG's, the "community" used the plain white envelopes, but then again, we were all in college.

    For the order: L, G, C, A, K, F, D, M, E, I, H, B, J

    Thanks again for the contest, as well as retrieving my guesses from the junk e-mail!

    1. Thanks for participating... best of luck Jafronius!

  25. Let's get the ship out of here! http://thiscardiscool.blogspot.com/2012/08/when-ship-hits-fan.html

    And: J M L I B E G A C H K F D, for the win! Or however that works. Thanks for the memories and the post inspiration!

    1. I totally hate it when people excessively use tape too! Great post... thanks for participating.

  26. Pretty standard mailing tactics I suppose, but here we go:

    C G L I K A M D F H B E J

    1. Thanks for sharing your strategies and participating in the contest. Best of luck.

  27. http://arbitrary-crap.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/how-i-ship-international.html

    Top 3

    1. Good to hear from a guy across the pond. Thanks for sharing and participating in the contest. Best of luck!

  28. Okay... contest entries closed. Points leaders will be posted soon... followed by the random.org randomizations... and last, but not least the prize winners.

    Thanks again to everyone who took the time to participate.
