30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Monumental Milestone

It took a lot of help and some online card purchases, but I recently managed to climb into the #1 spot on TCDB among Steve Largent collectors.

The above screenshot was taken last Sunday... and could very well be outdated by the time you're reading this.  Regardless... it's time to express my gratitude to a few fellow collectors who helped me these past nine months to get to this point.

The journey started with Corky over at Pack WarEarlier in the year, he sent me a huge care package that contained over 120 Largents I didn't own... more than doubling the collection overnight.  His donation inspired me to log my entire collection onto TCDB.  When the dust had settled I was in the #3 position... twenty-three cards away from tying the #1 collector.

Like a shark smelling blood in the water, I was on the hunt.  I made one COMC purchase and two eBay purchases that added 17 cards to my collection.

In May, Bob over at The Best Bubble sent me two new Largents and I was only four cards away from climbing into the #1 spot.

My buddy Woody (over at CCW) cut the deficit in half when he sent me these two cards over the summer:

And right before the school year started, Bob sent me another package that included these four Largents:

By my calculations should have launched me into the #1 spot by two.  However as of last Sunday... I was leading by three

No idea the deal.  Maybe Ground Chuck traded one of his Largents or maybe I missed adding a new card.  Whatever.  I'm stoked.

Am I going to strive to maintain this position?  Yes and no.  I figure a three card lead is nothing when Largent has over 2,700 unique cards produced.  I wrote this post last weekend and part of me is worried that by the time this post is published I won't be #1 anymore.

It'd be a little disappointing, but wouldn't be a surprise nor the end of the world.  The plan is to seek out more of his cards on Sportlots at some point (the 18¢ variety) and see how things play out.  I'm not in the position to become a super collector.  And I'm sure there's at least one (probably a few) Largent collector that hasn't registered their collection on TCDB.

But even if my reign only lasts a few weeks... it was pretty cool.  It's even cooler that so many others helped me reach the top.

Thank you Corky, Woody, and Bob for the Largents!   Happy Saturday and sayonara!


  1. I am working on a box of cards for you half full now. There are a couple of Largents in there. Congrats on the ranking!

  2. Congrats! If I ever find any Largents in my few hundred football cards they are yours.

  3. i'll be at the packer/viking game tomorrow - should be fun! congrats on your ranking - i've begun entering my collection on tcdb as well and will share some rankings in a future post.

    seeing some of these cards really makes me wish panini had an mlb license. they look great.

  4. Nice work! Congrats and good luck staying at number 1.

  5. Well done! I am 47 cards away from taking top spot on the list of Roy Halladay collectors. Apparently I might have that many on order from sportlots and/or comc. It's always a great day when those boxes arrive, I never remember what's coming!

  6. You have 281 cards of him and you're not a super collector? Ha.

  7. Congrats! I agree with Elliptical Man...you're a Super Collector!

  8. Nice going, Fuji! Just checked the database. Here on Monday morning you're still in the lead by three ;-)

  9. I am No. 1 on TCDB for several players, a number completely unexpected.

  10. sumomenkoman - thanks. wonder how long it'll last.

    jon - corky literally doubled the size with one mailday.

    johnnys trading spot - i'll happily take any largents you're willing to part with. looks like i better hunt for more braves for you

    jeremya1um - lol. thanks.

    gcrl - oh man... that game was rough. but i'm sure you were going as a viking's fan. btw... heard fanatics was buying out panini, so your wish might come true

    the lost collector - thanks. i'm not sure how long i can cling onto the #1 spot. checked today and i'm still on top.

    derek - nice. best of luck on building up that halladay pc.

    elliptical man - 281 cards is only 10.1% of his total cards. i feel like you'd need to be a little higher than that to call yourself a super collector

    jafronius - lol. guess i'll trust you guys

    gregory - thans. just checked a few minutes ago... and i'm still up by three. hopefully i can hold onto it a little longer

    matt - thanks!

    night owl - that's awesome! i'd love to log in my gwynns and see where i stand with him... and maybe kurt suzuki.

  11. Man! Steve Largent. I grew up in Seattle and you just had to see the guy to realize how electric he was. Every play was a chance for Largent to go yard.

    Of course, as kids we all wanted to be Largent. Everyone knows our quarterback situation was stank. I remember my friends and I were sitting around eating breakfast on a Saturday morning and it was Golden Grahams and this commercial came on with Steve Largent and we were super excited! The commercial was for a soft drink and my friend Mackey thought it was a bottle of mustard and we tried to correct him, but he was hearing none of this. He took a bottle of mustard with him onto the field and he roared and just chugged the life out of this bottle of Gulden's spicy brown mustard. Mackey tried to play it off until he tried to punt the ball and ended up spraying Chunder all over us. What a dweeb.
