30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Twenty-Four Years and Counting

Today is the last day of the school year... and tomorrow is the first day of summer break.  It's always a bittersweet situation, because it's the last time I'll see the vast majority of my 8th graders.  However the start of a two month vacation definitely leaves me with a smile on my face.

As I mentioned before, I've got a few plans this summer.  A few quick trips mixed in with some flea markets, drives along the coast, some tasty food, a couple of card shows, and of course lots of rest.  The past two years have been mentally exhausting and it's time to relax and recharge.

I'm also hoping to spend some time with my collection.  Last year I cleaned out my garage which stores part of my collection.  This summer... the goal is to sift through my sets.  Plus there are all of the cards and care packages that have slowly been piling up the past few months.  Those need to be sorted, scanned, and written about.  And I'm going to start today.

Today's card of the day was purchased for a buck on COMC back on Christmas Eve:

1990 Donruss Learning Series #48

Back in December, Ryan (SumoMenkoMan) sent me an epic trading card advent calendar that included the Rickey Henderson from this set.  His gift motivated me to pick up this Gwynn.

I've been sitting on this card for several months now... waiting to use it in my last day of school post.  Today marks the completion of my 24th year of teaching in my district.  It's a shame that I didn't start teaching back in 1990, because these cards were part of an education program for 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.  If you're interested, you can read about this set on baseballcardpedia.

I figured this would be a good time to show off the other 1990 Donruss Tony Gwynn cards sitting in my binder...

1990 Donruss #86

Gwynn has two different cards in the 1990 Donruss setCard #86 is his base card.  He was also part of the All-Star subset:

1990 Donruss #705

There are actually two different versions of this card.  Both feature All-Star game statistics on the back:

However if you look above those stats, one header is labeled "ALL-STAR GAME PERFORMANCE", while the other says "RECENT MAJOR LEAGUE PERFORMANCE".  Although neither are rare, I'm pretty sure there the error card was produced in lesser quantities.

1990 Donruss Bonus MVP #BC-4

The Bonus MVP cards were inserts honoring one of the best players from each team.  Unfortunately Gwynn never won the NL MVP Award.  He came close in 1984 when he finished 3rd in voting behind Keith Hernandez and Ryne Sandberg (the winner).

Anyways... I'm pretty sure this is the same photo of Gwynn used on his Learning Series card.

1990 Donruss Best of the National League #11

In 1990... Donruss produced two 144-card factory sets.  One featured American League players, while the other consisted of National League playersBoth utilized the 1990 Donruss baseball design with blue borders.

Okay... time to get ready for work.  Although I'm writing this post before school... I'll probably be home taking my first nap of summer when this post is actually scheduled to be published.

Happy Thursday and sayonara!


  1. WOOOOO SUMMER VACATION! Congratulations on 24 years! Always great to see Mr. Padre

  2. Hope you enjoy a relaxing vacation this summer. Congrats on 24 years as a teacher!

  3. Congrats on 24 years! That's a lot of kids to have taught and help over the years!

  4. Congratulations on 24! I know what you mean about that bittersweet feeling, I teach in a small university program and our fourth year students are about to graduate. I'm always happy to see them moving on with their lives, but sad to say goodbye.

    I had never seen that Learning Series version of 1990 Donruss, that is really neat. I collected the regular 1990 Donruss set that year and those red borders always bring back memories of my first year of high school that year. I remember those All Star error cards too, I bought the Wade Boggs one at a card show that summer and I thought it was the best thing in my collection for a while!

  5. "I Loathe Keith Hernandez."
    Thanks for schooling me on those Learning Series, definitely a junkwax gem 💎
    Be on the lookout for another parcel in the near future. Bless you for being a positive influence on our future generation.

  6. Congrats on the end of the school year!

  7. Congrats on 24 years! I started teaching one year after you. I only lasted one year though. I have a ton of respect for what you do and how hard your job is.

  8. Wow, 24! I'm on my 19th as tech support in our school system. I kid with the teachers in that I have it easier - if the computers misbehave, I shut 'em down and rip their guts out. They can't do that to the students.

    Really like all the odd add-on sets to 1990 Donruss. I'm going for the master set. The Aqueous Tests are formidable, but the other very elusive ones are the RMLP stat headings like you show for Gwynn. Every time I check my big stash of '90D for someone with a list, I tend to find a few almost every time. It's quite remarkable.

  9. Enjoy your summer break! Year #25 will start before you know it!

  10. Summer Break, whoop!!! See you in two weeks for our first card show. I’m fond of the 1990 Donruss design as it brings back a ton of memories.

  11. Hopefully things will start getting better in the classroom as it sounds like the stress is starting to take years off of your life.

  12. Enjoy your summer break!!! I still have two weeks left in my school year before I get a few days off.

  13. thanks for all of the kind words. i'm actually going in today (also went in friday) to wrap up my classroom. so things got a little delayed, but by 3pm this afternoon, i'll be done.

    dennis - things have really tapered off in regards to adding gwynn cards to the pc, so it's pretty exciting when i do add a new one to the collection.

    jeremya1um - i've got several weeks that i've kept open specifically reserved for rest and relaxation

    craziejoe - i lost count years ago. it was easier keeping tabs when i taught elementary. but in middle school there are multiple classes and some kids i see multiple years

    sean - congratulations to your fourth year students. i can imagine there's quite a bond built over those four years. i was a senior in high school that year. good times

    xavier higgins - is that a seinfeld reference? i actually wish i knew more about this learning series set. gotta wonder if a bunch of these sets are sitting in a box in someone's classroom closet. another parcel? nice. i'm still writing about the other cards you've sent me ;D

    the lost collector - thanks! so excited for summer

    bo - gotta admit, it was 2x tougher when i taught elementary. i give elementary school teachers a lot of props as they have to prep for every subject. at least i get to focus on the two different subjects i teach. and it's a pretty smooth ride for most of the year, but there are specific times when the burnout is real.

    gca - best of luck on that 1990 master set. how many of the aqueous cards do you own? i've never seen one in person

    matt - i know. gonna embrace every day of summer as much as possible

    sumomenkoman - i'm stoked buddy. can't wait.

    jon - it will. it was an adjustment year for kids around the country. you could definitely see a difference between the kids from the start to the end of the school year. as for taking years off of my life, my job is a lot less stressful than others. i'm truly grateful fo having a job that i enjoy 97% of the time.

    the snorting bull - you work through june? i'm guessing you're on a year-round schedule. enjoy your summer break!

  14. Way belated congratulations on 24 years of teaching!
