30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Late to the Party

One of my biggest pet peeves is being late (right up there with being behind excessively slow drivers entering the freeway). The whole "if you're not early, you're late" thing was something my parents embedded into my brain early in my youth.  That's why I try my best to be early for any scheduled event.

Unfortunately... not everything in life is a scheduled event.  The perfect example would be bloggers' "free card" posts.  These tend to pop up sporadically and if you're in the right place at the right time... then you're in luck.  And even when these "free card" posts are scheduled, I don't go out of my way to set an alarm.  My philosophy is... if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

The other exception would be anything related to this card blog.  As much as I enjoy collecting cards and writing posts, it's a hobby and that means it sometimes gets put on the back burner.

That's why I'm a few weeks late to the party in regards to sharing my Dime Box Nick's 10th Anniversary Giveaway haul.  But better late than never, right?

Out of the ten giveaway posts, I claimed three cards.  There were tons of cool cards, but as the title of this post suggests... I was late to the party every time.  No complaints though, because I was very stoked about the three I was able to snag...

#1Nolan Ryan Unlicensed Card

When it comes to collecting oddball issues, Nick is the first blogger that comes to mind.  I'm always discovering new cards on his blog.   The first card I claimed was this interesting Nolan Ryan card which celebrates his 300th win, 5,000th strikeout, and 6th no-hitter:

Ryan kept the Toronto Blue Jays hitless in May of 1991, so this card was likely produced sometime between that game and July 31st, 1990.

I'm not the biggest fan of unlicensed cards, but that's something I typically reserve for current Panini baseball cards.  I have no problem adding cards like this one to my collection.

#21990 Classic Update #T25

Nick listed this florescent pink Bo card in the same post as the above Ryan.  By the time I left my comment requesting these two cards... eleven people had claimed cards.

I was surprised that this pretty pink card was still available, but I guess it was meant to be in my collection.

#31940 Play Ball Mel Ott Reprint (1986)

The last card I claimed was this reprint of Mel Ott's 1940 Play Ball card.

I'm a big fan of the 1940 Play Ball design, but since it's not likely I'll ever own an original copy... this reprint will do just fine.

In addition to these three cards, Nick tossed in a few other goodies to fill out the PWE...

1992 Topps Kids #115

Topps Kids seems to be one of those polarizing products where people either love it or hate it.  Back in 1992, I wouldn't have wasted 35¢ on a pack of these cards.

Thirty years later, I love them.  In fact a few years ago, I bought an unopened box of this stuff for $11 shipped and had a blast opening it.

Next up is an autograph of some guy I hadn't heard of...

2006 TriStar Prospects Plus Farm Hands Autograph #FH 2

Baisley was a 12th round selection by the Oakland A's in 2005.  He eventually played 14 games for them in 2008, but never played at the MLB level again.  He'll be added to Men of Mystery section of my Oakland A's PC.

The oldest card that Nick sent my way was this...

1972 Kellogg's #20

Sweet Baby Jackson!  I was very happy to see this card slide out of the PWE.

Who wouldn't be happy to find a fifty year old Kellogg's lenticular card of Mr. October in a care package?  Although Reggie himself seems a little pissed without his mustache.

And I've saved my favorite card for last...

1983 Kellogg's #8

I don't usually like to pick favorites when it comes to care packages, because I appreciate every card sent my way.  But this Rickey brings back a lot of fond memories.

In 1983... after a two year hiatus of inserting cards into boxes of cereal (the 1981 and 1982 Kellogg's sets were mail order only), Kellogg's decided to go back to their roots.  At the time... Rickey Henderson was my favorite baseball player and it would have been like winning the lottery had I pulled this card from a box of cereal.  It never happened.  But I'll gladly add this card to my collection as it always takes me back to my childhood.

Congratulations Nick on your 10th anniversary!  I enjoy discovering new cards on almost every post you write.  Here's to another ten years!  And thank you for the generous giveaway.

As for the rest of you, here's your question of the day...

What are your non-hobby pet peeves?

Do you tend to be early, on-time, or late to scheduled events?

Happy Tuesday and sayonara!


  1. For the majority of the time, I'm always early for my VA appointments.

    I'd say my #1 pet peeve are rude people in the service industry...if you don't like interacting with people, you shouldn't be a server,a fast food worker, etc.

    p.s. yes, it seems like I miss those cool card giveaways as of late.

    Have a great day!

  2. People who tailgate you when you are in the slow lane.I am always early.

  3. Pet peeves: same as the other question. My parents raised me the same way.....to be early. They each ran their own business as did/do I (sort of). And first order of business was to make CLEAR if you're not fifteen minutes early you are late, and BTW you're fired. It was clear, and in 30+ years I never had to fire anyone for that reason anyways. I run things a little different here taking care of my uncle, as technically they work for him. Good help (home health care) is hard to come by (if at all). I am down 1 right now (knee surgery). I hold my tongue 99% of the time here. The original girl we had (for 5 years) was great with 1 exception she was late 99% of the time. That ate me up, not saying anything. I'm not a fan of calling in" (out) either. I know life happens, but Never seen either parent miss work, outside of when my mom at 78 was in and out of the hospital, it bothered her so much she resigned. Same for my grandparents. I did handle my personal work schedule a bit different with my back, but still got my work done. My OCD causes pet peeves too. I don't like things moved from where I put them (providing I put them there). I'd say I have pet peeves, lol.

  4. I think I'm pretty good about being on time for things. Not perfect, I could be better, but pretty good. I do tend to be late when I go visit my Dad, but I'm getting better. This weekend I told him I'd be there between 3 and 4 and got there by 3:30, so not bad.

    I don't have many of those Topps Kids cards, but I did grab some from a dime box Sunday.

  5. I've always been an "on time" kind of person. It really irks me to be late for things. My current bosses/coworkers don't care at all about being a few minutes late, which is cool - but either way it still bugs me to not be on time because of traffic or whatever else.

    Glad you managed to snag a few goodies from the giveaway! Somehow stumbled upon extra copies of the Kellogg's Reggie/Rickey, and very happy I could get those to a good home. Thanks for being such a great reader/commenter over the past 10 years!

  6. My family is the exact opposite. It's noteworthy when we're on time for things. It's not for lack of trying, but if something happens that causes me to be late I don't sweat it. I roll with it and keep moving along.

    “A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to!” - Gandalf, The Lord Of The Rings

    "All time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so." - Ford, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

  7. I used to always be early for things, but then I had kids. I consider myself happy to get to places somedays. My biggest non-hobby pet peeve has got to be people who are on their phones constantly. I like computers, phones, etc, but I also like people to be present when they are with other people. I am also really big on not leaving messes for other people. I try to cut down on messes around my house. At school, I make my students stack the trash cans next to the door of our room at the end of the night. I also have my own vacuum cleaner, so we do all the cleaning in the room outside of things that involve cleaners, detergents, etc.

    Those Kellogg's cards are awesome!

  8. I'm generally on time for most things, though I'm better at meeting friends and showing up to play pool each week than getting to work right on time. I used to be chronically late to work when I had my dog, but I've evolved away from that for the most part. At least there is another guy I work with that is always later than me.

    Traffic pet peeves - tailgating and people sitting in my blind spot. I will whip into the other lane (when it's clear) if they sit there long enough. I call it "Crazy Ivan" like the subs do in Red October. Can't stand slow people either although I don't speed as much as most.

  9. Great freebies! Pet peeve…not using crosswalks.

    I’ll remember to always be on time when we meet up!

  10. I'm mostly on-time, but can be fashionably late for things.

    Non-card pet peeves, I probably have a bunch, but the biggest one is the noticeable rise in people's inability to drive. Name a driving no-no and I've probably seen it in the last week. Also, the increase in absolutely obnoxiously large vehicles (that don't fit in parking spaces) is disturbing.

  11. I bought a lot of Topps Kids packs back when they came out, of course I was only 10 at the time, so I was probably in their target demographic. I still like the set all these years later, so who knows, maybe I'm still in their demographic :)

  12. Nice claimed cards from Nick! He's good people.

  13. john sharp - i know what you mean about rude people in the service industry. luckily... i can't think of any examples off the top of my head, so i guess i haven't encountered that issue lately.

    sg488 - on my drive to work, i spend 90% of the time in the slow lane, so i know how you feel. wish those people would just go around

    johnnys trading spot - oh man, thank you for pointing out the ocd thing. my students know that they aren't allowed to touch my desk. i created their own work station in my room, so they don't need to touch my stuff.

    bret alan - i think i still have a bunch of dupes. if there are specific people you're looking for, let me know.

    nick - thanks again for the cards! as for tardiness, there are a handful of teachers who stroll in with the kids. a lot of that has to do with our crazy parking lot situation though. that's why i avoid coming in close to the bell. i'm usually an hour or two early

    matt - there are times i wish i could adopt that laid back attitude. it'd definitely reduce my stress level

    the snorting bull - i don't have kids, but i know what you're talking about. all of my friends with kids have said the same thing. plus i've witnessed them trying to get their kids ready and it's quite entertaining

    gca - people sitting in blind spots bug me too. love the crazy ivan reference. as for slow drivers, i'm okay with them as long as they stay in the slow lane. it really annoys me when people feel "entitled" to drive in the fast lane and they decide to hold up traffic. it's actually super dangerous, because then people start hopping into the middle lane to pass.

    sumomenkoman - lol. take your time. that's what disney + on the phone is for

    night owl - i'd say 50% of my pet peeves relate to driving in one way or another. as for those large vehicles, you'll never have to worry about me driving one. they eat up too much gas. but gotta admit, sometimes i wish i had a bigger car (like when i go to ikea)

    jon - i wasn't into topps kids back in 1992, but i love the set now. not sure what that says about me ;D

    jafronius - totally agree.
