30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Commenting Compensation

When it comes to blogging, there are two reasons I've dedicated thousands of hours to writing posts over the past twelve years:

1.  I use the blog to document my collecting history.

2.  I enjoy the interaction with other bloggers and collectors who read and comment on my posts.

I truly enjoy reading the feedback people leave in the comment section.  Whether or not it's someone teaching me something new, answering one of my questions, or giving me their opinion... each and every comment is as appreciated as the one before.

That's why I try my best to read and comment on as many fellow blogger's posts as time allows.  I enjoy the interaction... and hopefully the author of the post does too.

I know that Daniel over at It's like having my own Card Shop does.  He recently awarded seven of his readers who left a comment on one of his posts with six cards from his Pick 6 post.  As you might have guessed... I was one of the people who commented.

There were lots of goodies to choose from, but I narrowed my selections down these cards...

1984 Donruss #34

Kevin McReynolds had a solid career.  I remember a time when Padres fans had high hopes for him.  But a few years after he arrived, he was shipped off to New York for Kevin Mitchell where he had the best years of his career.

I also grabbed these Donruss Diamond Kings from three hall of famers:

1983 Donruss #16
1984 Donruss #22
1984 Donruss #26

I've written a few times how I'd like to one day complete the 1982 to 1991 run of Diamond Kings.  I'm slowly chipping away at them.

And finally I snagged these two 1993 Kraft Singles Superstars:

1993 Kraft Singles Superstars #10

1993 Kraft Singles Superstars #12

Like Daniel... I've collected a lot of interesting oddball issues over the years.  But surprisingly... I didn't own either of these cards

Thank you Daniel for this very generous PWE!  Keep up the awesome card shop and card show haul posts.  I love seeing all of the great deals you stumble across.

I thought I'd promote three blogs I recently subscribed to... in an effort to spread the love.  The more card blogs... the better, right?

#1Cardboard Jones

2011 Topps Lineage 3D #NNO

I discovered this blog this morning after reading and responding to two comments he left on my blog.  He's another blogger from the Pacific Northwest... and he's a fan of the Seattle Mariners, Seattle Seahawks, Portland Trailblazers, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and Las Vegas Knights.

1986-87 Fleer #99

Crocodile comments on my blog on a regular basis.  And I've seen him comment on a few other blogs out there.  Yet he's currently sitting a three followers.  I hope a few of my readers will head over there and check out his posts... which cover everything from baseball autographs I've never seen before to his 1986-87 Fleer basketball set build.

#3Junk Wax Jay

2003 Prestige Game Day Jerseys #GDJ-9

This blog has been around for a couple of years, but I only discovered it last month on one of your blogs.  He puts a lot of thought and effort into his posts which covers mostly baseball.  However he also discusses music too.  And his most recent post discussed Ben Roethlisberger and the Pittsburgh Steelers... which made me think about starting a Slash PC.

I hope all of you have a great weekend.  If you haven't checked out any of these blogs, I hope you will.  You won't regret it.  Who knows... maybe you'll find a new trade partner or commenter for your blog.

Happy Saturday and sayonara!

Extra Innings

Here's one more blog I just added to my reading list...

2011 Topps #145

Card Stacks Blog is written by a guy who likes putting card stacks into binders and collects guys like Freddie Freeman, Mookie Betts, Rafael Devers, and the Nashville Predators.  It looks like I'm a little late to the party with his blog, because a lot of you are already subscribed to him.  However if you haven't... click the link above and check him out.


  1. I hadn't seen the Crocodile blog before...but I gave him a follow and if I can figure out how now that blogger changed it again, I'll add him to my blogroll. I have found most of the blogs I read by seeing them mentioned on other blogs.

  2. It’s true, knowing someone read a post close enough to comment on it makes writing a blog much more enjoyable. Checking out all three of the blogs you mentioned!

  3. Fuji, our reasons for blogging are identical.
    I appreciate the blogging love! Thank you!

  4. Thanks for the new blog info, always cool! And you and I must have similar collecting interests, because I went to claim some commenter cards from Daniel only to find that you had grabbed all the ones I wanted!! Good for you of course...

  5. I'll also add Crocodile's blog to my blog roll, appreciate learning about new sites to visit. I also appreciate all your comments, Fuji! It definitely makes blogging more worthwhile when you know that someone is actually reading the stuff you put out there (and not just getting spammed with bots in the comment section).

  6. Good to see some new blood in the card blogging world. I added all three to my blogroll and will circle back to leave comments this weekend.

  7. Ha, I was expecting to see the "thanks for commenting" cards I sent you a couple weeks ago among these, Fuji. I hope that PWE arrived safely.

  8. I've always loved the interactive part of blogging - it's what keeps me coming back. Can't say how much I appreciate all the comments you & others have left on my blog over the years. I try to comment here and elsewhere as much as I can, but I always feel like it's nowhere near enough.

  9. billy kingsley - i had to go into my blogger layout to update my blogroll. not sure what google is doing, but they're not making things easy for us.

    cardstacks - thanks for commenting. i just subscribed to your blog and added you to this post

    crocodile - it's my pleasure. thank you for taking the time to comment on my posts.

    the diamond king - the eddie murray diamond king is a duplicate. let me know if you want it and i'll send him your way.

    nachos grande - i agree 100%. i know i use this blog to document my hobby trends, but i definitely wouldn't take the time to write in as much detail if people didn't read my posts. by the way... i'm loving all of the lego posts you're writing in 2022. keep it up buddy.

    chris - thanks chris! hopefully they'll add your blog to their blogroll in return and everyone has more reading material to enjoy.

    defgav - your pwe did indeed arrive. it's sitting on my desk with a recent ebay purchase. the goal is to open it tomorrow and get a post up on monday. thanks in advance buddy.

    elliptical man - thanks! hopefully they reciprocate and add your blog to their reading list. that way everyone wins

    nick - i think we all feel the same way. there's just not enough time in the world to read and comment on every single blog post. by the way... hope you're staying warm this weekend.

  10. Never seen those 3D cards before. Pretty cool looking.

  11. That Kevin McReynolds is awesome! Gotta grab some of his Padres rcs at some point.

  12. Thanks for being such a great commenter for as long as I can remember!

  13. I was already following these guys, but it's good to see you using some of your influence to get more eyes on their blogs.

  14. Fuji, you're the man when it comes to commenting. I try to comment on as many blogs as I can but can't keep up with you. I also believe it's important to comment to let the blogger know he's connecting. Some bloggers barely comment at all. That is not cool.

  15. It was very cool of Daniel to go the giveaway; I missed my chance due to being MIA that week. It's hard to continually comment "nice post" if that's really all I have to say, but I'm trying to be more active out there.

  16. When it comes to commenting, you have certainly done your share!

  17. Nice to see the sports card blog world is still kicking! I've really liked being just a small part of it since 2009. I'm not as active commenting as I used to be, but I still enjoy reading all these great posts like yours.

    I'm with you on #1, the biggest reason for my blog is tracking my collection. It's fun having 10+ years of updates to look back on.

  18. Thanks for promoting these new blogs! I wasn't familiar with any of them!

  19. big tone - you're in luck. he only has two rookie cards: donruss and fleer. he didn't have a topps card until 1987

    the lost collector - right back at you aj. appreciate you taking the time to read my posts.

    jon - i'm not surprised. you're one of the best commenters out there. whenever i get around to reading posts, i always wonder if i'm gonna beat you to the comment section

    night owl - thank you greg! hopefully this will inspire people to comment on each others blogs a little more

    cardboard jones - oh man. didn't realize you ran the card chop. good to know.
    i'm a mac person too... and don't use safari. i find my blog viewing experience is best on the chrome browser.

    jafronius - yeah. the generosity among bloggers sometimes leaves me speechless. as for commenting, i know my comments are very repetitious... but there are only so many ways to say "awesome cards".

    johnnys trading spot - you're not too shabby either buddy.

    paul - i sure hope i live long enough to one day skim through all of my posts. these days i usually use my blog like a card catalog where i utilize the search tool.

    matt - the more card blogs, the merrier.

  20. I’m definitely going to check the new blogs out!
