30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Ever-Expanding Hit List

The holiday season has officially arrived... and I'm so stoked.  As much as I enjoy my profession, I always embrace the two week break away from my classroom.  Plus it gives me the chance to meet up with old friends and spend some quality time with my family.

And I know I've been delaying them over and over again... but I'll finally put together all of the long overdue care packages I've owed fellow bloggers.  I'm not going to call them Christmas care packages, because they won't go out until the first week of January.  It'll feel really good to start 2020 with a clean slate.

I've made it pretty clear in the past that I don't enjoy going to the post office, but I usually ship things out two or three times a year.  However... if my bookkeeping records are correct, the last time I shipped out a stack of care packages was last December.  That's straight up embarrassing and inexcusable.  I apologize to everyone who has been waiting patiently.

While we're on the topic of people I owe... there were two more bloggers recently added to my Hit List (see the sidebar on the left-side of the blog).

Billy over at Cardboard History recently held a contest over on his blog and made every single participant a winner.  That was mighty generous of him.  My prize package included some San Jose Sharks for the collection:

The Sharks haven't lived up to expectations this season, but that's okay.  I'm a loyal fan who will always appreciate their cardboard.

Billy also contributed the very first Kyle Larson cards to the collection:

Who is Kyle Larson?  He's a half-Japanese NASCAR driver.  I had no clue who he was before receiving these cards, so I appreciate Billy opening my eyes to the latest addition to my Japanese athlete collection.

The highlight to Billy's contest package was this cool business card that will be added to my Blogger PC:

It doesn't include a COA, but this business card does feature an on-card autograph on the back:

Congratulations Billy on celebrating the 5th anniversary of Cardboard History... and thank you for this very thoughtful contest package!

The next blogger added to my Hit List is Bryan over at Collecting Cutch who sent me some cards for participating in his Save Second Base Event:

The Pink Ribbon autograph numbered to 25 of the 2019 San Diego Padres home run leader was the big ticket item in Brian's care package.  However it should also be noted that the 2016 Chrome Update Rod Carew and 2019 Bowman Shohei Ohtani are both new additions to the collection.

I was also really excited to finally get my hands on a 2008 Upper Deck Kelloggs Japanese card:

Last, but certainly not least is this one of a kind Collecting Cutch Christmas card:

How flippin' cool is this?  This card in addition to Billy's business card was added to my Blogger PC.

The last care package I want to share on this Mailday Monday was from a blogger who was added to the Hit List last month... but he sent more cards before I could return the favor.

It's from the president of the Luis Torrens' Fan ClubKenny sent me a PWE with some Seattle Seahawks, San Jose Sharks, and Japanese-American baseball players:

Although every card I receive is greatly appreciated, there were two cards that stood out in Kenny's care package:

I've been a fan of Steve Largent for almost 40 years.  In fact he might have been my first favorite player... although Rickey Henderson may or may not have come before him.  I love how this card highlights Largent's work with Seattle's community.  He's always had a reputation of being one of the "good guys".

Travis is sort of a hero among San Francisco Giants fans.  He won two World Series rings with them... and hit a walk-off home run that sent the Giants to the 2014 World Series.  I could have sworn that I already had this card, but when I checked my Japanese binder it wasn't in there.

That wraps up my three package mail day.  A huge thank you goes out to Billy, Brian, and Kenny for their generosityAll three of you are on my list and can expect a New Year care package in early January... along with the seventeen other people on my Hit List

Happy Monday and sayonara!


  1. Glad you like! Bryan's contest was more fun than mine!

    1. By the way...you and Mark Hoyle were the only ones who asked for an autographed card...his is going to go in the mail in the next few weeks, finally! I may be slow but I had to wait until I had some stuff to send along with it.

  2. Fuji, I need your mailing address as I have a small package for you! Shoot me an email fanofreds.auctions at gmail (dot com)

  3. Nice to see a Japanese Kellogg's card. Those are not seen frequently.

  4. The Mauer card is very cool, and so are those blogger cards!

    At least your Sharks can hope for a playoff spot. My Devils are stuck in the basement and just threw in the towel on Taylor Hall. It's going to be a looong rebuild in NJ :/

  5. that carew card looks great, but i think i am most intrigued by that mauer card. i've not seen a japanese kellogg's card before. cool stuff!

  6. Awesome additions to the PC. Cool generosity.

  7. I'm glad you liked everything. I had fun painting that Cutchmas card, it's actually my favorite of the ones I've done so far.

  8. billy kingsley - i'm super grateful for both all of the blog contests out there, but i will say he had the better eye candy ;) anyways... thank you very much for the autograph for my blogger pc.

    nachos grande - i'll shoot you my mailing address in a few minutes. thanks for thinking of me. i'm sure i have some reds for your collection

    runforekelloggs - i've seen them in blog posts before, but this is the first for my collection.

    chris - not even sure what to say about the sharks except that they don't look good. but i'm not going to complain. they've been a pretty successful franchise the past 20 years or so. now if they could just win a cup ;)

    gcrl - it's awesome. love that it's still in the cereal wrapper.

    sumomenkoman - when i think about the stuff people send each other among us bloggers, it's pretty dang mindblowing.

    collecting cutch - dude that cutchmas card is so awesome! i've loved all of the ones i've seen so far.

  9. Of course I'm the kind of moron who forgot to send some stuff out to you even after spending many many monies to send you a priority box within the last three months.
