30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Ho! Ho! Ho!

For as long as I can remember... Christmas has always been a holiday associated with family, joy, and generosity for the Fujimoto clanThis year will be a little different, because we'll be celebrating our first one without my mother.

Sorry... I'm not trying to ruin the Christmas mood for you.  But I wanted to dedicate this post to her, because she always tried her best to make the holiday season extra special for my father, my brothers, my sister, and her grandchildren.  I miss you Mama!

Okay, let's make things a little merrier with some Christmas cards...

2007 Topps Santa Claus Autograph #SCA-SC

2007 Topps Santa Claus Relic #SCR-SC

1995 NFL Santa #NNO

2000 Upper Deck Holiday Season #NNO

Collecting Cutch Custom Merry Cutchmas Cards

Baseball Card Breakdown Custom Ho Ho Hoyt

Merry Christmas to all of youEnjoy this special day with your loved ones... and hopefully Santa brought you some cool items for your collection.  But just in case you were on Santa's "naughty" list, here's something to help cheer you up:

2011 7-11 AKB48 Tomomi Itano (Courtesy of Zippy Zappy)

Merry Christmas and sayonara!

Mike Cramer Card Giveaway Results

Congratulations Rod and StephenRod I already have your addressStephen please email me (at sanjosefuji at yahoo dot com) your mailing address and I'll get your copy shipped out in early January.


  1. Merry Christmas, Fuji! I really like the Christmas version of your custom card.

  2. Merry Christmas Fuji!!! Hope you are feeling better and get to enjoy some time with your family.

  3. That NFL Santas card is an all timer.

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  5. Mark, I think it's safe to say that you're Mom is proud of you and you probably already know that. You're certainly an inspiration to us bloggers and I'm pretty sure you're students appreciate you too. Merry Christmas to you! (Insert bro hug here.)

  6. So close but so far away on the Cramer. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and I am not sure why I hadn't heard of that 1995 Pinnacle Santa before.

  7. Merry Christmas and thanks for the chance to join in on the card contest. Nice Christmas custom :-)

  8. I hope all of you had a merry Christmas with your loved ones! I definitely enjoyed mine. Now the day after Christmas wasn't nearly as fun ;)

    jon - thanks jon. made it a few years ago.

    the snorting bull - besides a cough, i'm all healed up. and it was really awesome hanging out with my pops

    zippy zappy - it was part of a set where all of the major card companies of that era created a special christmas card. it'd be cool to see something similar done in 2020

    bbcardz - thanks for the bro hug and the kind words. happy holidays!

    sport card collectors - if you want to see the entire set, i wrote a post about it back in 2010:


    steve at 1975baseballcards.com - thanks for taking the time to read my blog. happy holidays!

    defgav - holy crap. how did I miss that? edit is coming up right now. #totallyfeelashamed
