30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sorting Sucks

Once upon a time, sorting was therapeutic.  It helped take my mind off of things.

This week, going to work helped me take my mind off of the four Super Monster Boxes filled with cards sitting in janky penny sleeves.

On the bright side, I should be done removing all of the cards from the penny sleeves by this evening.  However I'm sorry to inform you that this post will be cut off right here.  That last Super Monster Box is calling my name.

Happy Thursday and sayonara!


  1. Have fun sorting! I find it only sucks when I have more sorting than I do time, because I know that if I stop short of finishing, it’ll be months before I get back to it and by that point I won’t remember where I left off or what my goal/method even was lol.
    BTW, let me know if you come across any Goldschmidt’s or Steve Finley’s that you don’t want 😉

  2. LOL. My life must suck. I sort cards everyday. Well, maybe 360 days a year anyways.

  3. Janky! I learned a new word. You are a great teacher. Thank you.

  4. Sometimes it sucks.

    I love that you use the word janky. If we knew each other in person, I use that word all the time. Also snarky.

  5. (new project: buy monster boxes from card shows and send them to Fuji. But no return address so he won't know it's me.)

  6. I’m jealous...super behind on sorting and cataloguing. Good luck.

  7. That happens to me sometimes, I almost dread adding cards based on how much time it will take to sort them all. Hopefully you can enjoy these boxes. Can't wait to see some of the gems in there!

  8. Aw c'mon Fuji, don't go gettin' soft on me. I've gone thru 15 monster boxes of stuff, I just have to rearrange the rows to put them in order. Sorting is the best part!

    But not when you need a magnifier to read the daggone numbers!

  9. I really hope I can get enough cards tomorrow to require sorting. Due to my summer job I didn't go to flea markets this summer and I miss buying cheap boxes and going through them.

  10. I only really enjoy sorting when I’m searching for gold. Like sorting my 1975s years ago hoping for Brett and a Yount. I’d pick dime boxing over sorting any day. But sorting a card show haul is real fun.

  11. I have a lot of that to accompolsih as well. Let's hope I can actually sit down and get it done

  12. To sit , or not to sit ? That Is the question.

  13. Sometimes it does. I sorted cards for several hours last weekend and didn't make as much progress as I had hoped I would.

  14. jayp - i think "time" is a big factor in why i didn't enjoy it. last week i had conferences and when i got home, i wasn't looking forward to sorting for a few more hours.

    johnnys trading spot - if you enjoy it, then you're living the dream. i just didn't enjoy it last week ;)

    peter k steinberg - thanks. i love using that adjective

    the snorting bull - lol. one of my co-workers used the word "snarky" in one of our parent-teacher conferences last week

    the lost collector - #yup

    jedijeff - i'd never turn away cards... but that might just drive me out of the hobby ;)

    sumomenkoman - i finished desleeving and sorting. didn't get a chance to actually go through the stuff and figure out my binder needs. that'll have to wait for christmas break.

    chris - honestly there weren't any big ticket items. most 2016 to 2019 topps and panini inserts... and prospect cards. the good news is there are some 1st bowman chrome colored parallels. hoping one or two of those guys pan out.

    gca - i'm jelly. i used to love sorting, but not with everything going on in my life. don't have the time... but i'm forcing myself to do it, because i hate the clutter

    runforekelloggs - you would have loved this haul then. the only downside was there weren't any kellogg's. but there were some kellogg's in the previous collection i purchased

    steve at 1975baseballcards.com - i was hoping to find one or two big ticket items, but all i found were nuggets here and there. although if any of the prospects pan out, i could end up doing pretty well

    sport card collectors - i hear ya. time is the key. if i had a ton of time, i would go through things slowly and enjoy myself. but i was really strapped for time last week

    big tone - i was sitting the whole time

    gcrl - normally i don't mind sorting. but this time around, i was pretty miserable. it definitely makes things easier when you see progress.
