30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Miscellaneous Monday

Ugh.  It's Monday.  My least favorite day of the week.  It doesn't help that I've kinda been in a funk the past week or so.  It's even impacting my desire to write.  Hopefully things turn around sooner than later.

Until then... my posts might be shorter than they normally are.  Okay enough boring stuff.  Let's check out some more collectibles Woody sent my way...

This is a cool collectible I've never seen before.  It's a replica newspaper given away to 7-11 customers who purchased the Sunday edition of The San Diego Union-Tribune back in 2007 around the time Gwynn was being inducted into Cooperstown.

Apparently there are three different commemorative covers to collect.  This one honors Gwynn on his last day of his playing career with the San Diego Padres.  It comes with a little stand, but I think I'm going to store it in one of my Gwynn binders.

I've seen these coins before sitting in bins at the flea market, but never actually owned one.  From what I've found on the internet, this may have been given out at one of the Oakland A's home games during the 1993 season.

2015 Allen and Ginter Box Topper #B-11

This oversized trading card is awesomeWoody hooked me up with a bunch of San Francisco Giants for my students.  Unfortunately... this one won't be headed into my classroom.  I'm going to offer it up to my brother.  If he doesn't want it, then it'll go into my insert and parallels binder.

Next up are some cards from Bru over at Remember the Astrodome:

He hooked me up with a nice mixture of 90's and current Oakland Athletics.  These three logo stickers immediately stood out:

The two on the left are Fleer stickers, while the silver foil one is a Panini album sticker from the early 90's.

I was also excited to see this card in the stack:

2019 Topps Chrome #46

I'm building this set and just posted my wantlist on Saturday.  This is one of the cards I needed.

I was also excited to see two sweet rookie cards in this package:

2019 Topps Allen and Ginter #207
2019 Topps Stickers #219

Both of these guys have had to deal with missing time this season, but when they're on the field... Laureano is fun to watch patrolling centerfield.  And Tatis was having one heck of a year at the plate before injuring his back in August.

Before I wrap up this post, Bru informed me that he has a new website:  marcbrubaker.com.  It's good to see that he's back at the keyboard... just in time for the Houston Astros postseasonBest of luck to your team... unless of course they're playing against the Oakland A's.

Thank you Woody and Bru for these two very generous care packages!

Happy Monday and sayonara!


  1. I hope you get out of your funk (and have another good school year)! That Gwynn is awesome, I love stuff like that.

  2. This Monday is already starting off crazy. Looks like a nice box of cheeriness to get your week going.

  3. Monday is my Sunday so I have no issues with it. In fact, it's an excellent day to get shopping done. Everyone else is at work/school!

  4. Those Ginter boxtoppers are great retro-looking cards which drive me nuts when they include things like the all-black super-synthetic Giants jerseys.

  5. dennis - thanks buddy. today was the best day of the week. hopefully the streak continues into next week.

    sumomenkoman - lol. it's friday and i'm still going through it

    peter k steinberg - thanks. i was looking a few archives buyback signatures and this was my favorite

    night owl - that's awesome for you.

    sport card collectors - it's that too.

    bulldog - thanks.

    nick vossbrink - yeah... i prefer their cream colored jerseys

    1. peter k steinberg - wait. just realized you were commenting on the 2019 chrome chapman and not the archives auto from thursday's post. i agree... that card is a beauty. hoping to get my hands on a refractor version one of these days.
