30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

A Few of My Favorite Things: The 50's

One of my favorite things about blogging is participating in a good old-fashioned Blog Bat-Around.  By now I'm sure most, if not all of you have heard about The Collector's list of his favorite baseball sets, movies, and songs from the 1950's to the 2010's.

Well there was no way I was going to miss this one.  I'm a big fan of lists, baseball cards, and music.  As for movies, I don't watch nearly as many as I did back in the 80's and 90's... but I should be able to come up with something.

However to keep myself from writing a two hour post, I'll be breaking this BBA into segments and turning it into a mini-series.

As you can see from the title, I'm kicking things off with The 50's.  So let's get this party started...

Favorite Baseball Set1956 Topps

If you're familiar with my blog, then this isn't a surprise.  It's not just my favorite 50's baseball set, it's my favorite Topps base card design of all-time.  And if I had to pick a runner-up, I'd probably go with the 1951 Bowman set.  That's a gorgeous set too.

Favorite MovieSeven Samurai (1954)

I struggled with choosing a favorite movie for this decade, because I'm not really good with names of old movies.  However someone mentioned Yojimbo in one of their posts... or maybe it was in someone's comment section... and Akira Kurosawa immediately popped into my head.

I'm a fan of all of his samurai films, so it was just a matter of picking one of the ones he directed during this time period.  There were four that I've seen:  Rashoman (1950), Seven Samurai (1954), Throne of Blood (1957), and The Hidden Fortress (1958).

All four are classics, but if I could only watch one again... I'd go with Seven Samurai.

Favorite SongBeyond The Sea (Bobby Darin 1959)

Choosing a favorite song is going to be the most challenging part of this Blog Bat-Around, because my favorites tend to come and go fairly quicklyOne day I'll be listening to the Beastie Boys.  The next day I'm listening to Fleetwood Mac.

Luckily out of all of the decades involved in this BBA, the 50's is the one I've listened to the leastBeyond the Sea came up in a Google search and stood out.

Actually... Royal Crown Revue deserves some credit as well.  I fell in love with this song because of them, not Bobby Darin.

Well that wraps up the first segment in this seriesThank you Chris for coming up with this thought provoking topic.  I'm going to try and publish one decade per week.

Happy Tuesday and sayonara!


  1. Oh man, I wish I had thought to break it up like you did. As I'm still having trouble with motivation I could have used the post padding help, lol.

  2. Those '56 cards are incredible! I dont have the Mays or Aaron yet.

    I'l thrilled that you're spreading this out and giving each decade its own post. Now I feel like I should have gone into greater detail with mine.

  3. "7 Samurai" would probably be in my Top 3 movies from the 50's - an excellent choice!

  4. Great choices. Seven Samurai is a great movie that I haven't watched on a while. I might have to go find my DVD.

  5. hackenbush and johnnys trading spot - thanks. hoping to add at least one more 56t hofer to my pc in 2019. we'll see how that works out.

    billy kingsley - i've been there bud. right now... i actually have a ton of stuff to write about, but not enough time to write. oh well... the grass is always greener.

    chris - thanks for coming up with this topic. that's 7 posts! very grateful... although it hasn't been easy with some of these picks.

    matt & angus - such an awesome film. maybe this summer, i'll sit down and binge watch all of the kurosawa samurai films i own.
