30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Flea Market Finds #139: 70's Hits and 80's Cardboard

Whenever you write about the addition of a vintage Mickey Mantle to your collection, you're gonna be hard pressed to follow up that post.  That's why I don't blame you if you ignore this post, click over to that post, and bathe in the beauty of the 1958 Topps Mantle that the Commish sent my way.  It's truly that breathtaking.

For those who have decided to stick around, here are the three purchases I made this past Saturday at the Branham High School Flea Market...

Purchase #1K-tel Out of Sight LP  $1

I picked up this album from a woman who purchased it at a 7-11 back in the 70's.  The one dollar price tag and the fact that she remembered where she bought the album were enough for me to take a chance on it.

After listening to the entire album, I'm happy with the purchase.  I was familiar with the songs from Elton John, Bachman Turner Overdrive, and The Hues Corporation... as well as Carl Douglas' Kung Fu Fighting.  But my favorites were these three songs I had never heard before...

Purchase #22001 CAL Oski the Bear Bobblehead $8

Bobbleheads aren't a priority for me like they were five years ago.  But this one was just too cool to pass up.  A quick eBay search revealed that these were handed out back in 2001 at a Cal game, which means they've dried up over the years and are semi-collectible.  I'll add this to my display in my classroom at the start of the school year.

Purchase #3Stack of Hockey Cards  $1

Seeing rubber bands wrapped around trading cards sure bring back memories.  This older Asian couple had a plastic bin filled with hockey cards.  Sitting on top was this stack.

I sifted through them quickly and found this Brendan Shanahan rookie card:

There were also a few hall of famers:

And the current San Jose Sharks general manager:

Plus a bunch of other minor stars that'll go into my hockey binder...

Obviously, the cards are in poor condition.  However I couldn't pass up their asking price of one dollar.  That's less than per card.

Well that's it for my latest flea market haulNothing too exciting... especially when compared to the vintage Mantle.

Happy Wednesday and sayonara!


  1. No es una problema. Mantle is a hard act to follow.

  2. I don't know what you're talking about, I'll take a write-up on a K-Tel '70s album over another Mantle card any day.

  3. k-tel compilations were the best! so much so that I won't hold it against you that you left the luuuuuuuuuuc card in the "minor stars" picture.

  4. “So You Are A Star” is a great, great record. I was lucky enough to hear two of the three original brothers play it at Beatlefest a few years back. If you don’t know, Mark Hudson has gone on to be a successful record producer and songwriter (“Livin’ On The Edge” by Aerosmith and a bunch of Ringo Starr things) and Bill Hudson is Kate Hudson’s father.

  5. Even in less than ideal condition, that's still a nice stack of hockey cards for a buck.

  6. Those songs are all from my era but I can't say I remember any of those recordings. I think of the Hudson bros more for their tv show. Steelers Wheel is better known for "Stuck in the Middle with You". Never heard of Prelude and of course they're covering a classic. The first two are nice pop songs.

  7. Flea Market posts are always welcome! Love the album, I definitely would've bought that for a buck.

  8. Love that Shanahan rookie. You got some great hockey cards for a dollar, there.

  9. Wow, a Shanahan rookie and Messier and Roy (and others) for only a dollar?

    When I was working at a card store in the early 90s in Canada those cards would have sold for a pretty penny. Roy was like a god back then.

  10. Love that Shanahan card. He was a great player for the Blues for a short time. The Devils need to go back to the green and red uniforms.

  11. Thats a super cool bobblehead!

  12. johnnys trading spot - thanks for understanding ;)

    night owl - i considered doing one of those posts where you match a card to one of the songs, but the motivation just isn't there right now.

    gcrl - i was gonna scan luc, and lafontaine, scott stevens, kurri, and a few others... but like i said in my comment to night owl... the motivation just wasn't there.

    brett alan - i immediately though of the beatles when i heard that song. hadn't heard it before last weekend, but i've listened to those three songs at least 5x each since.

    chris - yeah. they make nice filler for my 80's hockey binder

    hackenbush - wow. thanks for the great info. definitely know stuck in the middle with you. love that song. now i've got to find the original version of after the goldrush.

    jon - the lady took really good care of her albums. i should have just made an offer for all of her stuff and resold it.

    gregory - thanks. i'm pretty sure this is the first opc shanahan rookie card i've ever owned.

    sean - these were popular here in san jose as well... especially since they're opc. i remember the days back in the 90's when pulling a roy card was on the same level as lemieux. the only nicer pull would have been gretzky.

    the snorting bull - i remember him from his days with the blues, red wings, and even whalers. don't think i was collecting hockey during his early years.

    sport card collectors - thanks. i'm a sucker for older stadium giveaway bobbles.
