30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, May 27, 2019

Enjoy Your Break

Summer break is less than three weeks away.  Technically it's just a four day weekend, then I start my summer school program.  But teaching fifth graders math is a nice break from my middle schoolers.  It keeps me busy, so I don't spend the summer at home shopping online or traveling on vacations I can't really afford.

That being said... I'm starting to rethink the whole "summer school" thing.  Out of the twenty-one years I've been in my district, I've taught summer school twenty times.  Maybe next year I'll take a much deserved break.

I've taken a few short breaks from my blog over the years.  Sometimes it has to do with lack of writing material.  Other times there are things outside of cards that take precedence.  It's part of blogger life.

Bru over at Remember the Astrodome stepped away from his keyboard last month, but before he did he sent me a PWE full of Oakland A's:

Blaster boxes and blogger packages are usually the only way I add newer (as in current year) base cards to my collection.  I've recently made the decision to stay away from blaster boxes, so care packages like Bru's are much appreciated.

2018 Topps #669

As much as I enjoy collecting on-card autographs, vintage hall of famers, and graded rookie cards... I still have a deep appreciation for cards like this Chapman.  I'm not sure if it's politically correct to pick care package favorites, but there's no denying the facts.  I love this card.

The other card that called out to me was this KD:

2019 Panini Diamond Kings #46

ABCAnother beautiful card.  It's not often I compliment logo-less cards, but it's important to give credit where credit is due.

Next up...

2018 Topps Gallery Hall of Fame Gallery #HOF-27

A new Rickey for my collection.  Topps Gallery is right up there with Stadium Club and Archives as my all-time favorite product lines.

Rounding out Bru's PWE are these parallels, inserts, and game cards...

Thank you for the cards Marc!  Much gratitude...

Stay tuned.  I have a few extended weekends this summer.  I'll be sending you some Astros on one of these breaks.

I hope everything is okay and you're enjoying your break from blogging.  Looking forward to the one day when you're ready to return to the keyboard.

Happy Monday and sayonara!

Extra Innings

2001 Fleer Tradition #325

Over one million men and women soldiers have died in battle fighting for our beloved countryToday we honor them.  As a proud American, who has never served in our military, I am forever in debt to anyone... past and present... who has put on that uniform and fought to protect our country.


  1. I'm kind of surprised that you aren't taking a break from summer school this year, with everything that you've been through recently, I think you deserve some R&R.

  2. Take that BREAK! Unless of course you enjoy the summer classes. One really should enjoy their work. You know that jump out of bed excitement I'm talking about. Wait a minute, I was dreaming about baseball cards, darn it. (I really did dream about them last night, just before I woke up, and I for one rarely remember a dream).

  3. I did summer school for a few years and then started coaching fall sports and the few weeks of 'free space' got eaten up with summer camps, etc. I gave it up. Then when I got out of coaching I couldn't bring myself to get back into the summer school routine. I ended up running our summer migrant student program's recreation component for a few years. Much more fun, much less stress. Not that you asked any of this. LOL
