30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Pen15 Envy

One of the best ways to keep my head above water the past month or so has been to keep myself busy.  But every now and then, I need to take a break and one of the television shows I started watching was PEN15 over on Hulu.  In short, it's a show about two girls and their friendship as they navigate through the awkwardness and trials and tribulations of middle schoolThis show isn't recommended for everyone, as it can be crude at times.  However... if you have a thick skin and don't mind feeling awkward every once in awhile, then I'd check it out.  There are a few scenes that literally had me in tears.

Anyways... today I figured I'd share an autograph I recently picked up:

2007 UD Sweet Spot Classics Legendary Autograph #SPS-SA

I've wanted an autograph of the legendary Cub for a few years.  Unfortunately... when he passed away back in 2010... he didn't leave a lot of certified, pack issued autographs available to collectors.  So the laws of supply and demand kicked in... which drove up the price for his signature.

I finally pulled the trigger on this card, because I loved the look of this card.  It's a signed piece of wood that's been sunken into the card sorta like a shadow box.  The photograph of Wrigley Field in the background was the icing on the cake.

Okay.  I know what you're wondering...

What does a Santo autograph have to do with the Hulu show mention at the start of this post?  Well... "pen" goes together with "autograph", while 15 was the jersey number Santo wore for part of his rookie seasonCreative, right?

Whatever.  I accept that it's a stretch... but that's all I could come up with for today.

What's an autograph you'd like to own one day?

What's a television show you enjoy watching to take your mind off of things?

Happy Thursday and sayonara!


  1. Autograph I most want...Henrik Lundqvist. Autograph I most want but don't expect to get: Kevin Durant. Autograph I chased for literal decades but finally got: Jeff Gordon. Took me 22 years to track one down.

    1. I met Jeff Gordon once while I was in Indianapolis on a work trip. At one point he looked like he was going to offer to sign something for me since I had some pen and paper with me, but it never occurred to me to ask him to do so. I'm currently on the lookout for a willie mays or hank aaron auto.

  2. Santo a Bday binder guy. As for autos: any old school HOFer. as for TV shows, just about any show will do the trick.

  3. Still need to get a Jim Brown auto.

  4. I'm watching the "AIM" episode and it has me in stitches

  5. I haven't heard of that show, as I don't have Hulu. I watch The Office or How I Met Your Mother when I need something to watch that fits the criteria you mentioned.

    And auto I don't have? That's a tough one. So many! I could go with some of the major past Yankees, but a more attainable one is Jason Giambi. I've just never tracked down one of his. Some day!

  6. I've got most of my favority PC guys, with a few exceptions - Joe Torre & Manny Sanguillen.

    Frequent DVR fodder consists of Married At First Sight, Cloak & Dagger, Manifest, Long Lost Family, Pitbulls & Parolees, and Whiskey Cavalier.

  7. I'm glad the Santo referred to his jersey number and autograph rather than a certain body part the show is obviously implying ;)

    To take my mind off thing, The Office is one of those shows I can consistently laugh at no matter the number of times I've seen it!

  8. What a great piece, I like the graphics a lot and it is a great signature. I guess I’m lucky, living in the Chicago area and having a few years on you I have several In person Santo autographs in my collection and had the pleasure of seeing him play back in those days when you could walk up on game day at Wrigley and get a ticket just about anywhere.

  9. Good questions there. Autograph I'd like to own one day? Ozzie Smith. Show I enjoy watching to take my mind off things? I still watch Seinfeld for that purpose. Oh, and another show called Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe.

  10. I would love to own an auto of the great Yokozuna Chiyonofuji. Love watching South Park.

  11. Auto I'd like to own? So many. Mays or Aaron, certainly. George Brett, Pedro Martinez, and Mike Piazza perhaps more realistic. Also, I have only one of the Beatles, George, so any of the others. My mother actually met Paul once, but didn't think to ask for an autograph. He did, however, bless my heart, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

    TV? All time favorites are Sports Night and The West Wing. Favorites right now are The Good Place and This Is Us. Enjoying the final season of Game of Thrones, too. But for really taking my mind off things, give me a game show. Jeopardy, What's My Line, Match Game, Card Sharks, Pyramid, that sort of thing....

  12. billy kingsley - i finally added a jeff gordon autograph to my collection less than a year ago. best of luck on your hunt for lundqvist and durant

    johnnys trading spot - i don't own a lot of old school hof autographs... but i'd love to add more myself.

    angus - jim brown is a great choice. come to think of it, i don't think i own one of him either

    ketchupman - yeah, that was a great episode.

    the lost collector - the office is a great show. as for giambi... his a's autographs can be had for under $10. not sure about his yankees ones though.

    gca - you're in luck... topps just added both of those guys (torre & sanguillen) to their autograph lineup recently. as for your list of shows, i don't think i've watched any of them before.

    matt - lol. i might have students who stumble across this blog, so i gotta keep it pg rated. love watching the office. seen it multiple times

    tomrobak - that's awesome! santo was wrapping up his career when i was a toddler, so i don't remember seeing him play. only heard positive things about him though.

    gregory - haven't added a new ozzie autograph in a while, but if i remember correctly... he was affordable. haven't watch seinfeld in years, but it was my favorite show back in the day.

    sumomenkoman - best of luck tracking down a chiyonofuji. love the hand print signatures that he has

    brett alan - can't imagine beatles signatures are cheap... especially lennon. i'm pretty excited to watch tomorrow night's episode of got.

  13. So many autos I'd love to own, I'll do one by sport/category

    Basketball-Tim Duncan, he doesn't anymore and his early autos are quite pricey, but I'd love to pick one up soon

    Baseball-Realistically, probably a Mickey Mantle UDA Baseball

    Football-I'd love to pick up a Walter Payton

    Wrestling-Macho Man Randy Savage. Obviously have to be PSA/DNA Certified, but I really want an auto of his

    As far as shows, there are plenty of shows that I watch currently. The Blacklist is probably my favorite right now

    1. After seeing your collection, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you acquire Duncan and Payton autographs. Ironically... those two guys are the best autographs I've ever pulled from packs myself.
