30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Quick Twenty-three Minute Break

It's the most wonderful time of the year.  Yeah.  Not really.  My students are turning in projects today and tomorrow, which means that I'll be up to my neck in scrapbooks for the next few days.

But let's keep it real.  Not even my loving mother wants to hear me whineGrading projects are part of my job description.  And my job pays the bills and allows me to buy sixty-six year old trading cards like this:

1952 Red Man #AL23

So as soon as I'm done publishing this post, I'm gonna suck it up and get back to work.  But before I go, I want to give a quick shout out to Tom over at The Angels, In Order.  He's the one who listed this Williams on eBay last month.  I wonder how many other eBay purchases I've made have been off of fellow bloggers.

Well... time to knock off a few more projects before I head home.

Happy Thursday and sayonara!


  1. Very nice pick up. Wait a minute...You shouldn't be reading this comment... Get back to grading those projects. Merry Christmas!

  2. A Teddy Redman. Great card. Happy Holidays

  3. I'm sure you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

  4. I thought about buying that. Glad it found a good home!

  5. I was tempted to bid on that one. I put it on my watch list 4 or 5 days before it ended and forgot about it. I also do recall you commenting on Tom's blog about it and saying you were thinking of bidding.

    1. I thought about bidding too, but not after I found out that I might be bidding against a fellow blogger. Bidding against one of our own unknowingly is one thing, but to do so knowingly, well, that just seems kind of wrong.

  6. Any Red Man is a great acquisition, but this is extra special. Enjoy it!

  7. john miller - ugh. finished about 120 out of 171 students. should be done by monday though. i didn't bring any thing home though. left them all in the classroom.

    mark hoyle - thanks! happy holidays to you too.

    the angels in order. i do. it goes well with my 55 red man mays and 53 red man campy. promise to provide a good home for him

    dma, captkirk42 & jon - glad we didn't get into a bidding war :) although... i'm sure tom wouldn't have minded

    zman40 - thanks

    nick - sure is

    sport card collectors - thanks

    the shlabotnik report - i have one more i'll share in the near future. stay tuned

    the lost collector - thanks

    sumomenkoman - thank goodness it's the weekend. even though i didn't bring any projects home to grade, i still have other work to do. today i'm building everyone's care packages (including yours)
