30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

One Rough Week

Progress reports.  Dinner dates.  Grading tests.  School meetings.  Bad back.  Car issues.  What's that spell?  One rough week and a brief Hump Day post.

Last month, I picked up the 1972 Kellogg's Oakland A's team set off of Four Sharp Corners for $46.35 shipped.  Normally I wouldn't consider paying this high for Kellogg's cards, but this is a birth year set of my favorite team who happened to win the World Series that season.  It was kind of an early birthday present (btw... probably should clarify that my birthday is actually in September) to myself.

Happy National Cereal Day and sayonara!


  1. Always nice to treat yourself to some sweet cards. Nice picks.

  2. have a super bday. K-cards are simply the best. Feel better!

  3. Dinner dates?!? Do tell.

    Hey, seriously I hope you next 7 days are better. Those Kelloggs are sweet. Hard to beat a Vida Blue in that great A's gold uni!

  4. The Angels In Order - Thanks. I've been wanting to build that (team) set for awhile. Next up is the 70 Kellogg's A's set.

    Julie Owens - I guess I should clarify. It's a super early birthday present. My birthday is in September.

    Commishbob - Lol. Sadly nothing too exciting to report. By next week... things should be better. Well... everything except the back. That could be 1 to 8 weeks... depending on how stubborn it wants to be.

  5. Nice quartet. My favorite west coast team. "Stay Calm and Look at Cards".

  6. I don't know if any of the Kellogg's cards I own could be graded 8 or 9. Most are closer to 1 or 2.

  7. Those are some wonderful looking cards.

  8. Wow!! And some strong grades too! Nice birthday present.

  9. Awesome pickups! You've got to be happy with those...

  10. Hackenbush - Stay Calm and Look at Cards = a philosophy I can live by

    Nick - Lol. Mine too. I just bought graded version, because I thought it'd look cool to display them in my office one day.

    Section 36 - Thanks! I agree.

    SumoMenkoMan - My birthday isn't until September, but it's never too early to treat yourself.

    bbcardz - Thanks. I really am.
