30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Three Sets and a Shirt

It's hot, I'm sick, and here's another short and straight to the point post.

I recently received two care packages from fellow bloggers... both of whom helped me with sets I'm currently building.

Set #1:  2016 Topps Archives

Last weekend, I wrote about how this Brandon Crawford was the last card I needed for my set and how it eluded me for over a year.  Jim over at cards as i see them, generously sent me a copy and this set is officially in the books.

He also was kind enough to send me my very first 2017 Topps Chrome cards:

I'll actually be featuring one of these in a few days, so stay tuned.

Back in July, he was in the Bay Area and attended a Battle of the Bay game at the Coliseum where he received this awesome shirt:

He figured I would appreciate it more than him... and he's right.  I love it!  Thanks Jim!  I'm currently cleaning out the collection and I should have some Dodgers to send your way.

Set #2:  2013 Topps Allen and Ginter Across the Years

A while back, Greg over at A Collective Mind shot me an email thanking me for being one of his top commenters.  He offered to help me with my newly started Rod Carew PC, but I'll get to that in a second.  I want to show off six new additions to my Across the Years insert set that I've been building for a few years now.

This insert set contains a whopping 100 cards!  Before Greg's help, I needed twenty-one.  Now I'm down to the final fifteen.

Set #3:  2004 UD Legends Timeless Teams

He also sent me two cards for my Timeless Teams set.  This is one of those sets that I've debated on giving up on.  But now that I'm two steps closer... maybe I'll head over to Sportlots or Just Commons and try to make a dent in this set.

Last, but certainly not least, he sent me these two beautiful Rod Carew inserts:

These two inserts are the sixteenth and seventeenth additions to my Rod Carew inserts, oddballs, and parallels binder.

Thanks Greg for the generous care package.  I'll look over your want list and see if I return the favor.

Have a good weekend.  Happy Saturday and sayonara!


  1. Nice cards! Hope you feel better soon, Fuji!

  2. I just traded with Jim and Greg myself - though I didn't know Jim had a more recent blog than GCRL until you posted this. Now I feel like an idiot!

    The cards from both trades are very cool (especially the Carews from Greg) and it was very thoughtful of Jim to pick up an Oakland A's shirt for you.

    Hope you're feeling better Fuji!

  3. Get well Mr F! I just completed my first trade with Jim as well. He sent some nice cards my way too! Timeless Teams is a gorgeous set and worth the pursuit!!

  4. Get better. Those are some great care packages!!

  5. thanks! it's never fun getting sick during summer. feeling much better.

    chris - yeah... it was very thoughtful of him. i'm gonna wear it on friday to work

    julie - 100% agree. great set. jim helped me with that set a while back as well
