30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Three is the Magic Number

Group breaks normally aren't my thing.  I enjoy spending my money on specific singles that call out to me.  And if I need a little excitement in my life then I'd rather just pay for a box and experience the joy of tearing into packs.

However... I understand their role in our hobby.  Over the years, I've joined in my fair share of them.  And a few weeks ago, I decided to put my name down for the Oakland A's and Miami Marlins in Peter's 2017 Topps Series 2 group break over on his blog Baseball Every Night.

The price was definitely right.  He only charged $3 per team and that basically covered the supplies and shipping charges.

I didn't open any Series 1 packs, so I didn't really know who was on the checklist.  I quickly found out that there were at least sixteen A's in Series 2.  That's gotta be a record, right?

The only card I was secretly hoping to get was Ichiro's base card.  Unfortunately there wasn't one sitting in Peter's box.

He did manage to pull a trio of inserts.  The Gordon features an awesome action shot and is numbered to 66.  Also really excited to add this new Byrnsie to my collection.  Hmmm... maybe it'll be my first TTM attempt of the year.

The next day, I received a care package from Steve over at Collating Cards.  I might not have gotten the Ichiro from the group break, but Steve hooked me up with an insert from this year's product:

2017 Topps All-Time All-Star #ATAS-32

He also threw in another Ichiro insert:

2015 Topps Update Rookie Sensations #RS-2

Plus a few other Oakland A's inserts:

I have one more care package to share.  This one is from Shane over at Reds Card Collector.

He send over a trio of Oakland Athletics...

Next to Archives, Gypsy Queen is probably my second favorite Topps product.  I'm a big fan of their on-card autographs.  Shane happened to include two of them.

He also threw in these four BBM cards:

I didn't recognize any of these guys, but they made nice additions to my team collections in my Japanese baseball card binder.

Three packages.  Three days.  Three generous bloggers.  Three is the magic number.

Thank you Peter, Steve, and Shane for these awesome cards!  I hope you all have a enjoy your weekend.

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


  1. GP autos are always nicely done-but these two are really popping

  2. I have the Ichiro base from series 2 if you are interested.

  3. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing. Bummer on the miss on Ichiro base....hopefully you'll get another care package with it included.

  4. Brady - Agree 100% Topps always seems to do a great job with their GQ autographs in terms of designs.

    TSHenson - I really appreciate the offer... but save your time and postage. There's a good chance my flea market buddy busted a few boxes of this product. If not... I'm sure I'll find it in a quarter bin at the next card show I attend.

    SumoMenkoMan - Thanks buddy. Hope you're getting settled into Germany.
