30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Sunday, June 4, 2017

More Sports Card Therapy

Yesterday was a typical, run of the mill Saturday for me.  It started off with my first visit to the De Anza Flea Market in months, which I'll write about sometime this week.

After that, I picked up lunch for my best friend and her family, hung out and played with my nieces, while my friend, her husband, and the movers packed.  Several hours later we said our goodbyes and drove off in different directions.

Before I left, they gave me a scrapbook filled with memories that made me laugh and smile with moments of sadness sprinkled in between.  It was the craziest roller coaster of emotions I think I've ever ridden and by the time I got home, I was exhausted.

I'm not sure about others, but I'll sometimes tie together personal events with sporting events.  And it was nice to see that my beloved Oakland Athletics found a way to take down the Washington Nationals yesterday.

After seeing the highlights, I assumed Topps would produce a Topps Now card of Ryon Healy since he went 4 for 4 at the plate with two doubles and two home runs.  Unfortunately they didn't, which is a shame... because I was ready to purchase one as a way of remembering the bittersweet day.

Sometimes The Cardboard Gods have a way with making things work out.  This afternoon, I decided to clean my office to help take my mind off of things and I found a PWE from AJ (The Lost Collector).

I received it earlier in the week and was waiting for things to settle down in my life before opening it.  Although things haven't necessarily "settled down" around here, I figured a little "sports card therapy" couldn't hurt.

AJ sent me a 9-pocket page worth of Oakland Athletics:

Among the 9 cards was this 2017 Topps Opening Day rookie card of Mr. 4 for 4:

Thanks AJ for the very generous care package!  Cards will never be able to substitute friendship, but I truly felt a little better after opening up your PWE and seeing the Athletics you sent.

Happy Sunday and sayonara!

Extra Innings

Gavin over at Baseball Card Breakdown is giving away a medium sized priority flat rate shipping box filled with cards.  All you have to do to enter is click here and leave a comment on his post.  


  1. I can't compete with Topps Now, but glad I brightened the day a little.

  2. Thanks for the plug!

    And best of luck with this emotional time for you. Always sucks to physically part ways with friends. At least there's the internet now, so it's not too hard to keep in touch.

  3. The Lost Collector - Thanks again for the cards!

    defgav - Thanks for the contest and kind words! You're absolutely correct. The ability to text message and FaceTime makes things much easier.
