30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Friday, September 23, 2016

And the winner is...

Thank you to everyone who left a comment on my Monday afternoon contest post.  Twenty-nine of you entered... and only one of you came out on top of the list randomizer.

So without further adieu...

Congratulations Mr. Kingsley!  I haven't shopped for basketball or NASCAR cards in awhile... so this should be fun.  I'll try to get the most out of the twenty dollars I've set aside for you.  However... if I find one or two cards that are really cool in that price range, I might go with quality over quantity.

By the way... I checked my address book and didn't see your address, so shoot me an email with your mailing address so I can ship out your prize package next week.

Happy Friday and sayonara!


  1. Wow, I'm shocked! Thank you! Hopefully I have made it easier for you by going for entire sports instead of just one player or team :) Thanks again, and email inbound shortly.

  2. Congrats to Billy!

    I don't think you can go wrong buying for him, he truly seems to love all cards.

  3. So close! Congrats to Billy and thanks to you for the contest.

  4. Thanks Fuji. Billy loves it all from what ive read

  5. Normally, I'm enraged when I don't win a contest. But Billy is a good dude, so I'm happy for him.
