30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, August 17, 2015

Gwynn's Gettin' Around

According to Mother Nature, there are still a few weeks left of summer, but according to my employer...yesterday was officially the final day of summer.  This morning I headed back into work and sat around listening to administrators talk during our beginning of the year inservice.  Tomorrow we get some free time to go into our classrooms, lesson plan, and set it up.  Then on Wednesday the students arrive.

I can't believe how fast the summer flew by.  But I'm not complaining (too much).  My friend and I taught another successful group of summer school... although this year seemed a little rougher than usual.  Maybe I'm just getting old.

Plus my wallet card and I made the most of our free time...

Newport Beach

Back in June, I flew down to Southern California to witness my uncle and auntie's ashes sprinkled into the Pacific.

Oakland Coliseum

In July, I attended my first Oakland A's game of the season and caught a batting practice ball with the help of my wallet card.

Dave and Busters

A week later, Tony and I went with a bunch of students and staff to Dave and Busters for our final field trip of the summer.  One of my friends donated her power card to me, so I played a few games and hit two huge jackpots which allowed me to purchase nine packs of 2010 Topps baseball.

San Francisco

The next week, one of my TA's, her aunt, and I drove up to The City to go shopping.  Outside of attending Giants games, this was my first time going into San Francisco in five years.


Each year, I take my TA's out to celebrate another successful summer and this year they chose to go bowling.  I'm pretty sure Tony wasn't impressed with my score of 98.

Mt. Pleasant High School

Obviously Wallet Card Gwynn loves baseball.  But he loves soccer too.  We went to my friend's nephew's soccer game.  Unfortunately they lost a close game... 3-2.

GTS Distribution

Here's a photo of Gwynn accompanying me to the local wholesaler.  I had to buy some supplies, including a case of 9-pocket pages that should last me a decade or so.

Capitol Flea Market

And wrapping our summer up... is Mr. Wallet Card hanging out at the flea market.  It might have been insanely hot, but we actually scored some sweet dime cards, an autographed baseball, and a few other treats that I'll share with you guys later in the week.

Happy Monday and sayonara!


  1. LOL - I see that glove. You ARE a southpaw!

  2. I see that everybody else's wallet card gets more chances to breathe. I've probably taken mine out only five times this year.

  3. That's cool. I made a post or two about my wallet card, but have neglected it for months. It's still sitting in my wallet too. Need to break it out and make a post.

  4. Glad Wallet Card made it to Dave and Buster's. It's a prime-time spot of entertainment...at least here in suburbia. I found a bunch of 2012 Opening Day packs the last time I went.

  5. Looks like Ash needs to work on her bowling game.

  6. Good stuff. Glad to see your wallet card getting some action.

  7. Junior Junkie - Lefty 4 Life

    Zippy Zappy - I wish I was able to take my wallet card to more out of the ordinary places. Unfortunately... I live a very laid back lifestyle.

    Snorting Bull - They're kinda like pets. It's important to take them out and breathe fresh air.

    Nick - I wish my D&B carried Opening Day. I'd much rather rip packs of that.

    Matthew Scott - Lol... I'll let her know. She actually beat Michelle in the final game.

    defgav - Tomorrow school starts... so he might not get out as much anymore.
