30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Saturday, June 13, 2015

I'm Back... in the Blogworld AGAIN!

Projects have been graded.  Report cards were turned in.  The eighth graders have graduated and have moved on.  Graduation and end of the year parties are in the rear view.  And another school year has come and gone.

Now don't get the wrong idea.  I can't afford to take the summer off.  I'll be teaching fifth graders how to multiply and divide fractions for the next seven weeks.  But it's ten times less stressful and much less time consuming... which means I can get back to writing posts.  I'll also have more time to read everyone's blogs.

And best of all...

I'll be able to finally put together everybody's care packages.  To top it off... I'm going to try and run at least one (maybe two) contests this summer.

Speaking of contests... I won another contest last month over at Nate's blog:  Big 44 Sports Cards.

To kick off summer, he sent me a little shine:

Love refractors.  Always have.  Always will.

Over the past three weeks, I've been out in the sun a lot and have gotten a lot of color.  As luck would have it... Nate sent me some of that too:

Last... but not least... my favorite thing about summer is going to baseball games, tailgating, and barbecuing burgers.  However, you won't see me throwing this Hamburger on the grill:

It doesn't really fit into my collection... but I'll make sure to send it to Mr. PATP for his Rangers PC.

Thanks Nate for the generous prize package!  Happy Saturday and sayonara!