30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday Morning Soapbox: Historical, Yet Controversial

When I started this blog in 2010, I had no idea whether or not people would read my blog.  Five years later, it feels good knowing that there are people out there who regularly read and comment on my posts.

But regardless if I had one follower or two hundred followers... the bottom line is that this blog serves as a journal which documents everything from my childhood stories to latest sports card purchases.  And every once in a while something historical comes along that's not necessarily sports card related, but it's so important to our country's history that it needs to be remembered and documented.

This is one of those posts.  On Friday, while preparing my group of fifth graders for their field trip to see Disney's Inside Out... my friend came into my classroom and told me about the Supreme Court's landmark ruling regarding same-sex marriage.

Twenty-something years ago, I might have frowned on this decision.  Growing up, I didn't know anyone who was homosexual.  And whether it was the national media, the people I hung out with, my personal prejudices (ignorance), or a combination of all of those things... I had no desire to hang out with a guy who was attracted to other men.

Luckily I was fortunate enough to cross paths and eventually befriend a fair share of gay and lesbian people.  There have been co-workers, friends, students, and even family members who have come out with their sexuality.


And thankfully... I have matured and realized that we're all human beings and when it comes to choosing my friends, their character is much more important than their sexual preference.

Now... I'm not telling you... or even asking you to share my beliefs.  I have friends who don't agree with same-sex marriage based on their religious or personal beliefs... and I completely respect that.  I just hope that this historical event makes our country and its citizens that much stronger, instead of tearing us apart.

Thank you for taking the time to sit there as I stand up on my Sunday morning soapbox.  Have a wonderful Sunday.  Sayonara!


  1. Right on Fuji, I have gay brother and though I doubt he would marry his very long term partner, but he could. missed ya yesterday, met your friend Jim. Nice guy-decent show, good time.

  2. I'll be honest, I've never given much thought about homosexuals and never will because I believe that apathy is the true key to all happiness. All of this "history has been made" stuff and people putting rainbow filters on their profile pics is nice and all, but the fact that homosexuality is still a big deal signals to me that it still has a long way to go before it reaches the level of acceptance that people want for it to reach.
    The moment that homosexuality truly reaches that level of equality (at least for me) is when you react to a gay couple the same way you act to a heterosexual couple. As in you couldn't care less about it anymore than the fact that there's a squirrel climbing a tree. Apathy is the true key to happiness, not acceptance or tolerance (which I'd argue is even worse).

  3. Nice post, Fuji. Like you said, it's all about ignorance. And Zippy Zappy's right as well that it'll be better once this isn't something anyone even considers anymore because it'll be normal.

  4. Fuji, very well said, my friend. You've probably posted more interesting cards but never more meaningful words.

  5. bman - i was bummed out that i missed it. was down south with the family, but i'll definitely be attending the next show. how was it? did you find any good deals?

    zippy - i totally agree with your statement that people should look at gay couples and heterosexual couples the same. however, i truly believe this is a historical event people should celebrate. for example... look at Jackie Robinson. these days nobody thinks twice about blacks in baseball, but each year we still celebrate Jackie Robinson Day on April 15th. why? because he broke the color barrier, made sacrifices, and changed baseball.

    on friday, those five people who supported same-sex marriage made history and changed the lives of millions of homosexual people in America. that's something to be celebrated in my book.

    dennis - every day brings us one step closer (well... at least i hope it is)

    commish - thanks commish! appreciate the kind words.
