30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Friday, November 28, 2014

Flash(p)ack Friday #3: Tony Gwynn

So... gotta ask...

Did anyone else take advantage of any Black Friday sales?

I bought some stuff off of Dave & Adam's Card World and Steel City Collectibles... but I'll share my purchases when they arrive and are in front of me.  I primarily targeted cheap wax boxes and bargain pack lots to help me scratch that wax pack itch.

One pack that won't be relieving any itches anytime soon is this 1983 Topps rack pack I recently picked up off of eBay:

I've been searching all over for an upside-down Garry Maddox... and now I've officially added one to my collection.  And it doesn't hurt that my favorite all-time favorite manager and player are also sitting on top staring at me.

I'm pretty sure it's the most expensive pack I've ever purchased, but it's well worth it in my book.  It's perfect timing too, because my 1983 Fleer cello pack was starting to get lonely:

Well... that's a wrap.  I hope all of you had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.  I look forward to seeing if anyone out there took advantage of the Black Friday sales.

Happy Friday and sayonara!


  1. I grabbed one Doorbuster from Blowout Cards and some stuff from Topps.com. I was hoping to grab some Stadium Club, but I couldn't justify the expense after my other purchases.

  2. I picked up some stuff off of Dave and adams.

  3. Very cool. Although wouldn't this technically count as pack searching? ;).

  4. I was traveling most of yesterday, so I didn't take part in the black Friday festivities. But, I may look around some today.

    Great pack purchases, by the way.

  5. I've been spending way too much time on COMC looking for stuff to buy. On the plus side, I'll have some cool stuff to share once it arrives.

    For some reason it never occurred to me to go to D&A or Steel City for Black Friday deals... but I'm going to go there now!

    1. Where are my manners? That is an awesome rack pack! I keep telling myself I need to get some unopened packs from the mid-1970's, just to have them... but I never quite get around to it.

  6. OK, ya got me. I searched for 1983 Maddox variations thinking there was one with the front the wrong side up relative to the back or something....
