30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Domo Arigato: Section 36

I've read that Section 36 houses the best seats in Fenway.  Where did I get my information?  Click here.  And since I've never been there myself, I'm going to take his word for it.  Why would I trust a person I've never met who lives 2,500 miles away?

Because 755 days ago, Section 36 left this comment on one of my blog posts:

I had recently won a contest over at 30 Year Old Cardboard.  The prize was four John Smoltz rookie cards and I mentioned that I wanted to track down the three remaining cards.  Section 36 mentioned that he had one for me.

Over the two years, I eventually picked up the 1989 Upper Deck John Smoltz and to be honest I had totally forgot about my goal to pick up the remaining two.

Until this past week... when Section 36 sent me this:

Isn't it a beaut?  1989 Score baseball won't be winning any awards for best card designs in the near future, but out of all of Smoltz's rookie card photos... I like this one the best.  I'm a fan of action shots... especially well centered, action shots.  Be that as it may... everyone has their own personal preferences, so you can judge for yourself.  Here's a peek at six of his seven rookie cards:

The Upper Deck card gives the Score a run for his money, but in the end I like Score's photo better.  Now that it's fresh in my memory, I'll make sure to quickly secure his Bowman rookie the next time I see one floating around a quarter bin.

That's not the only thing he sent me.  He also targeted a bunch of my PC's and sent me three team bags full of cards.

Let's start of with three of my player PC's:

I've totally been looking for that 2009 Topps Heritage card of Frank Thomas, which utilizes the 1960 Topps baseball card design.  There's something cool about seeing The Big Hurt wearing an A's cap.

Speaking of A's... he threw in this jersey card of Terrence Long:

After all of these years, I'm still in love with memorabilia cards.  That's especially true when they look like this card.  By the way... what ever happened to Mr. Long?

Moving right along... he also hooked me up with a nice stack of Tony Gwynn cards:

Huge fan of Gwynn, the 1972 Topps baseball card design, and of course minis.   In short... I'll never grow tired of seeing Tony Gwynn on a 1972 Topps mini.

There were also a pair of Ohka's...

Which could be for my Montreal Expos PC... but was more likely intended for my Japanese PC.

And finally he threw in some Brett Favres, Michael Jordans, and Kobe Bryants:

Thanks a lot Section 36!

Give me a week (or two... or three) and I'll ship out some Red Sox cards for your collection.  Hopefully one day I'll live out my dream and actually attend a game at Fenway.  If and when I actually go... I'll look for some tickets in your section.

Happy Sunday and sayonara!


  1. Last I checked Long got thrown out at third by Ichiro.

  2. Looks like Long peaked early and then vanished into baseball oblivion.
