30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Don't Benadryl and Bid!

After my latest eBay catastrophe, I have officially decided to start up a new nonprofit organization:  CABB (Collectors Against Benadryl Bidding).  No... I have no issue with people purchasing Benadryl off of eBay.  My problem involves bidding under the influence of Benadryl.  

Last Friday, I came home from work and popped a pair of pinkies to assist me in the battle against my archenemy... ALLERGIES.  Now for those of you who have never taken Benadryl before... one of the side effects is that they may cause drowsiness.  And after a miserable day at work, I wanted nothing more than to go home and rest.  Thankfully... it didn't take long for the effects to kick in.

Now this is when things begin to get fuzzy.  I vaguely remember waking up and checking my email.  That's when I noticed that someone had listed a 2013 Topps Five Star Clayton Kershaw autograph for $69.99 (or best offer).  This is a card I have wanted since I started my quest for Five Star autographs, so I quickly logged into eBay and offered the guy $45.  I can't say for sure... but I'm guessing that I immediately went back to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling a lot better.  That is... until I checked my email.  After reading a few emails, I noticed that the guy accepted my offer.

It took me a few seconds for things to click, but then I remembered me looking at the card the night before.  Then... as soon as I opened the email, it hit me like a ton of bricks:

Anyone see a problem?  Yup.  I dropped $45 on a non-autographed parallel of Mr. Kershaw.  The card was perfectly described in the listing.  This was a simple case of the buyer buffoonery.

I wish I could wrap up this post by telling you this was a long winded, April Fool's joke.  But it's not.  I'm just an April Fool.

The moral of the story... don't operate heavy machinery, perform surgery, or bid on eBay while under the influence of Benadryl.

Happy Tuesday and sayonara!


  1. At least the card will be a good conversation piece.....

    1. Very true. I have it in a stand on my desk, so I can look at it everyday and use it as a reminder that I'm only human.

  2. Yikes.

    Unlike Kershaw's salary, I'd say you overpaid.

  3. Oh, if that card could only talk...Maybe it's better if it doesn't.

    1. I'm glad it doesn't. I wouldn't want it telling all of you how much I cried the first night we spent together. Oops... I just did.

  4. Similarly, with 2 or 3 drinks in me, I'm dangerous on eBay. I recently thought I was buying a minor league team set and it turned out to be just one card from the set. Not as financially bad as your mistake, but still hurts. And even when I'm not confused/fooled, I'm generally a happy/generous drunk, looser with my money than I should be, throwing around bids and best-offers all willy-nilly.

    1. Lol... it's a good thing that I don't drink anymore. That would be double trouble.

  5. I think we've all done it at some point -- I bought what I thought was a complete copy of a magazine with Robin Yount on the cover. It came in the mail, and it was the *cover* of the magazine...which the description said and all, but still I felt pretty dumb.

    Worse are when I start emotionally chasing the Topps Blank Back money grabs on eBay...ugh ugh ugh. That's what caused my wife to tell me to stop bidding on eBay until I made money on eBay...

    1. Thanks for trying to make me feel better. Hopefully I don't screw up like this again anytime soon. By the way... those 1/1's are cool. I've always wanted a Kurt Suzuki for the collection.

  6. I admit buying on ebay using a mobile device has got me into some bad purchase situations as well. I wish I could blame drugs but it was a case of me not checking the fine print of the description.

    1. Drugs are just a cover. Not only did I not read the fine print... I didn't even check the picture to see that the card wasn't autographed :(

  7. That is a better excuse than some of mine, a few too many glasses of wine, or even buying the same card you already have.

    1. Oh man. You must be psychic. I just bought an autograph (luckily it was cheap) for this set I really like, but it looks like I already have it. This happens a lot at card shows with thing like Gwynn and Maddux inserts. If stuff is cheap, I'll usually just pick it up and if I already have it I'll send it out in care packages or trades.

  8. I got goofy trying to get a Brett Lawrie refractor because it was all rainbowy and pretty in the picture. Before I knew it, I was at about $45 for a $5 card. Suddenly, I clued in that all the flat-looking gold cards were actually the same thing. I crossed my fingers and hoped that the guy bidding against me was dumber than I was. Fortunately, he was.

    This was my story: http://1967ers.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/someone-on-ebay-is-dumber-than-me/

    1. The Cardboard Gods were protecting you. Me? Not so much ;-)
