30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Craving Cornstalk on Christmas

Good morning fellow collectors.  I hope all of you are enjoying the holiday season and spending quality time with your families and loved ones.

It's time to show off the last remnants of my Black Friday shopping spree.  I'll keep things short, so you can get back to your eggnog and Christmas presents.

I picked up ten 2013 Leaf Holiday Bonus Packs in hopes of pulling one of those really cool cornstalk cards.  Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.  At least I was able to pull a few cool items for my collection.

I'll start off with a pair of 2012 Leaf Originals:

I absolutely love the simplicity of this set and the fact that the autographs are on-card.  Speaking of on-card autographs, I also pulled this card of HOFer... Lenny Wilkins:

#'d 7/10

These three cards are the only ones I'm definitely keeping.  However I also pulled a pair of low numbered baseball prospects:

#'d 1/1

The Crawford is a special Holiday Bonus 1 of 1 parallel of the Philadelphia Phillies 2013 1st round draft pick.  Last season, he was their #4 ranked top prospect.  I'm not a big prospect guy, because I'd rather collect guys who have already made a name for themselves (thanks a lot Signature Rookies).  But I might hold onto the Crawford to see what he ends up doing.  Same thing goes with this card...

#'d 1/2

Mr. Harvey was the 22nd selection in the 2013 MLB amateur draft.  Like Crawford, Harvey was the 4th ranked prospect for the team that drafted him... the Baltimore Orioles.

The rest of the stuff was pretty uneventful, so I won't waste anymore of your time and just show them off.

Merry Christmas everyone!  Happy holidays and sayonara!


  1. I shouldn't feel jealous on the day of all merriment. But I blame Kamala! That is an awesome card my friend! Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks amigo. Probably my favorite pull from the lot. I hope you and your family had a very, merry Christmas.

  2. Replies
    1. You too! Enjoy the rest of the holiday season.
