30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Flea Market Finds #46: A Precious Pistol

I don't know if I've been spoiled or not... but it seems like if I go a few weeks without finding something decent at the flea market... it feels like a draught.

Well thankfully... the latest draught has ended.  And it ended in a big way.  But before I get into it... let's take care of the formalities.

When:  Sunday, September 29th
Where:  Capitol Flea Market
What:  One Very Special Card, More Cards, Some Programs, Two Books, and a Pair of Models
How Much?:  $58

Purchase #1:  1970-71 Topps #123 Pete Maravich RC $15

I've pretty much stopped collecting basketball cards.  But when I saw this... I had to find out  what the guy wanted for the iconic card.  When he said $15... I stood there for at least a minute or two to make sure this wasn't a reprint.

This card is easily one of my finest flea market finds.  And if that wasn't enough... my buddy picked up a $200 on-card Bobby Orr autograph for $10.

The guy had a ton of sports memorabilia and people were going through it left and right... so as soon as I found something, I bought it and continued to shop.  It was like Walmart on Black Friday.

Here are a few more purchases from the same guy:

Purchase #2:  Hockey Cards $7

As I dug through a bin with sports cards, I came across a 50ct plastic box that contained some hockey autographs and inserts.

But the main card I wanted in the lot was this expired redemption card of Butch Goring.

Purchase #3:  1988 & 1989 World Series Programs $5

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the 1988 World Series.  It's a painful memory for this particular A's fan, but that wasn't going to stop me from grabbing the program.  Plus... it came with a 1989 World Series Program which eased the pain a little.

Purchase #4:  93/94 Autographed Sharks Program $10

It's doesn't have a COA.  It wasn't signed in front of me.  But seriously... who's going to take the time to forge a Wade Flaherty autograph?  Anyways... the Arturs Irbe and Sandis Ozolinsh look good, so I grabbed it.

Okay... believe it or not... my buddy and I actually checked out the rest of the flea market and found some other goodies.

Purchase #5:  San Francisco Giants Books $5

I have no intention of reading these... but I figure I'll give them away to one of my friends or flip them the next time I set up at De Anza.

Purchase #6:  v-Asurada AKF-0 Model Kits $16

I have no idea what these are, but they sell on Amazon and eBay for a lot more than what I paid.  This is a classic example of someone buying something with the sole intention of making a profit.

How often do you buy cards (or other collectibles) with the sole intention of making money?

Happy Wednesday and sayonara!


  1. I have that '88 WS program. Funny, all it brings back is fond memories.

    In answer to your question: Never.

  2. Very cool. I love your flea market posts. It makes me wish I lived in a place that had kick ass flea markets again. Hey Fuji, just and fyi I've got my world series contest going on. Some great 90's swag up for grabs.

  3. I'm with Owl - never. If I have something that doesn't thrill me, and is worth something, I will sell it. But I don't go in thinking "I hope i get this so I can flip it".

  4. Rarely, to answer your question.

    Also, who is this mystery guy that's giving awesome stuff away? Great pickup!

  5. I have never bought a card to flip. I have bought them to trade before, but never flip.

    Now let's get down to brass tacks: what do you want for the Pistol Pete tall boy? My e-mail is always open.... (super serious)

  6. I didn't think I've ever bought with the intent of selling high later, but I guess any bargains I buy just because they're bargains have been purchased with the intent of getting more out of it later, whether through trading, selling, or some combination of both.

    Those World Series programs are the type of thing I'd love to collect more of, but my cards alone are struggling to stay organized.

  7. Never and you make me sick. Just kidding. Great finds.

  8. At least the redemption card has a photo! You don't get the auto but at least you get a card. Nowadays you only get a bunch of promising words...

  9. Great mix of hockey cards! The Pistol Pete is amazing too.

  10. That is a pretty cool Pistol Pete rookie card pick up and you can not complain about the price.

    I have never bought cards with the intent of re-selling them, though I have sold cards that I pulled from packs. I have picked up things like McFarlane figures to sell but I usually never get around to selling them and end up giving them to my kids.

  11. Nice finds, especially the first two. I have never made a purchase to turn a profit. Now, many of my toy purchases have not been opened yet, so I guess if I'm gone the wife can sell it for money, but technically, that wasn't my plan, right?

  12. I will pick up a card to flip once in a while.

  13. Hey Fuj - nice finds. Any Boston Bruins in your hockey ? Will doa great trade.

    Chucks Used Cards blog
