30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Sunday, August 18, 2013

It's Over!

It was a nice run while it lasted... but tomorrow, I officially report back to work.

Justice League Europe #6: September 1989

Autographed by Bart Sears

Yesterday I attended the San Jose Super Toy Show at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds and picked up this autographed comic book for 60¢.  I don't really read comic books.  I don't really collect comic books.  And I have never heard of Bart Sears.

But I love autographs.  And I love bargains.  Which is why this is now part of my collection.  Plus... the cover says it all as I head back into the classroom.

I'll summarize my show purchases a little later in the week.  Until then...

Have a good evening and sayonara!


  1. It's probably worth that much without the auto. My wife heads back to work today too so I can sympathize!

  2. That's awesome. I love Bart Sears. He was one of my favorite artists in the mid to late nineties. Nice score.

  3. Can't have much sympathy as I work year round, striving for the two weeks off I take in the fall every year! Really missed your summer-long contest this year Fuji-san, though the monthlies have been fun.

    Best I can do is wish you luck re-adjusting to the working world!!
