30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Flea Market Finds #44: 60's Treasure Trove

When:  Thursday, August 8th
Where:  Capitol Flea Market
What:  A Board Game and Some Reading Material
How much?: $8

Believe it or not... the best day to walk around the Capitol Flea Market isn't on Saturday or Sunday.  It's Thursday.

Last week, I went out there figuring there'd be a lot less vendors and people walking around since it's the middle of the work week.  I was wrong.  The place was packed and there were probably 25% more vendors than on the weekends.

Don't ask me for an explanation... because I have no idea.

Anyways... I didn't find any sports cards or sports figures that fit into my PC, but that didn't stop me from making a few small purchases.

Purchase #1:  1968 Cadaco All Star Baseball Game $5

I don't really collect board games, but when I saw this... it immediately caught my attention.  After seeing that the forty-five year old box was in amazing condition, I popped it open to see if the game was complete.

Based on the list of contents written on the inside part of the cover, everything was intact.  It included the above diorama with scoreboard and two game spinners.  There was also brand new score pads and 62 discs (60 players + 2 game discs).  There were several big names from the 60's:  Tom Seaver, Pete Rose, Willie Stargell, and Bob Gibson.

Here's what the discs look like:

Unfortunately... if you're waiting for me to explain the instructions... you're out of luck.  I don't really have any intentions of actually playing the game.

Purchase #2: 1964 A Spotlight Wonder: The Story of JFK and May 1968 Mickey Mouse Comic Book $3

Have you ever purchased something because you thought it was a good deal?  That's exactly how I'd describe my final purchase.

This couple had a table full of old books, so I stopped to see if they had any sports related material.  Unfortunately, they didn't.  But these two pieces of Americana caught my eye and the price was right, so I picked them up.

Purchase #3:  1991 Space Shots: Moon & Mars Special Edition Set $1

Okay... so this set isn't from the 60's.  But it covers the Apollo missions to the moon, which took place during the 60's.  A lady had a bunch of these sets for sale at $2 a piece.  I offered her a buck as I set it back on the table and she took it.  You've gotta love flea market negotiations.

Well... that's about it.  There were tons of dealers, but sadly not a lot of stuff I was actually interested in.  But I'll be out there again this weekend

Until then... Happy Thursday and sayonara!


  1. Are you kidding me? Cadaco All Star Baseball?? We played that game for hours when we were growing up! Those disks were treasures! I remember the time one of my knuckle headed friends tore the Killebrew disk. We made a ruling that Killebrew was 'injured' and couldn't be used for two weeks.

    Great buy for $5!!!!

  2. I love the Space Shots set for a buck.

  3. I actually threw an extremely low-ball offer at a person on eBay for some cards earlier this week and was shocked when they came back in less than an hour and excepted the offer!! Still waiting to see if they actually mail everything to me, but I got a good feeling! They have a 100% feedback rating with a lot of feedback. But it was also NOT a lot of money so I'm not going to lose either way!!

  4. CommishBob - LOL on that memory of "injured" Killebrew.

    Nice catch on that game in great condition, Fuji.

  5. I remember the old Classic card game, but don't know this one.

  6. Hey, Fuji! Joe Shlabotnik here, posting as "Anonymous" because Blogger and/or OpenID are not playing nice with me lately...

    As soon as I saw the thumbnail of Cadaco All-Star Baseball on BJD10's Blogroll I said "AWESOME!" I've got my own copy of the game that I probably paid $5 for, but it sounds like yours is in much nicer shape than mine, and mine is from the 1970's. I think this game is one of those deals where if you're above a certain age, you get excited, and if you're below that age, you say "Huh?" For an all-ages game that involves spinners, it's actually pretty realistic.

    Earlier this year I thought about writing up a post giving a high-level overview of what the game is like... I'm thinking I'll have to revive that idea.

    1. Hey Joe. Sorry Blogger is giving you a hard time. I hope you decide to write up an overview on the game. I'd love to read it to see how the game is played. Lol... yes I'll read a blog post on it... but not the instructions.

    2. 2 weeks later, my post on how to play Cadaco is up...


    3. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Holy cow, Fuji. Have you seen what that game is going for on eBay? I was going to offer to double your money....$10 LOL Nice job, did you wear a mask?

    1. That's his asking price... didn't even try to negotiate, since I figured it was a fair price. So no mask was needed ;-)

  8. Wow! I used to play that game as a kid. The school I went to had the 1060's edition of the game and I had a lot of fun playing it and did so for hours.

    Seeing that game again bought back a ton of memories, Fuji.

    1. That's cool that your teacher had this in her classroom. I don't think I'll be bringing this copy into my classroom anytime soon ;-)

  9. Like many others, really dig that fantastic board game, awesome stuff Fuji!

  10. Nice space shots pickup. Is that a complete set or a box of packs?

    1. It's a factory set. One of these days I'll review the set on my blog.
