30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, July 1, 2013

One Contest Ends & Another Begins!

Let's kick things off with last month's contest winners... remember two people will receive prizes this month.

Step 1Randomization for May's Post of the Month

On the 9th of June, I wrote about my dislike for rookie cards that aren't quite rookie cards.  Five people left comments... each receiving four additional contest entries:  The Lost Collector, The Chop Keeper, Greg Zakwin, Corky, and Play at the Plate.

Step 2: June's Contest Randomization

Congratulations to Greg and Corky!  Each of these guys will receive two autographed 8x10 photos.  Greg has chosen the Gail Kim and one of the Dudley Boyz (dark background), which means Corky will receive the other Dudley Boyz (white background) and the Matt Nokes.

Okay... now let's move on to this month's contest.  The July winner will receive a 1992 MTV Rock n' Jock set, along with additional cards of The Hammer, The Big Hurt, and The Kid.  You will also receive some unopened packs that possible contain rookie cards of those three gentleman.

I might end up adding a few cards to this prize package before the end of the month, so check back from time to time.

So... how do you enter?  There are three ways to get your name entered into the randomization.

A. Respond to today's post below.


B.  Promote this contest on your blog, and leave a link below.


C.  Leave comments on my posts throughout the month of July.

On August 1st, I'll enter everyone's names from this post into the list randomizer over at www.random.org.

If you promote this contest on your blog, I'll add your name two additional times.

And as a final bonus, I will randomly select one of my posts from the month of July using the same website.  Anyone who left a comment on that particular post will have their name added four additional times.

Let's get this started.

Who would you rather meet?  M.C. Hammer, Ken Griffey Jr., or Frank Thomas?  Why?

Leave your comments and/or contest plugs below.  Thanks again to all of you who participated last month and congratulations to Greg and Corky.  Both of you guys need to email me your mailing address, so I can ship out your prizes.

Happy Monday and sayonara!


  1. I'd probably rather meet Junior. Growing up, there was no bigger baseball player, and I'd love to hear his thoughts on his career, the game now vs when he started, and some of his experiences growing up around the game (notably whether or not his times in the Yankees clubhouse were as bad as he said they were).

  2. Probably have to choose M.C. Hammer, just so I could ask him the same question... Why? Why can't you touch this?!!

  3. Griffey, because he was the coolest dude when I was a kid.

  4. Frank Thomas. During my childhood in the Chicago area in the mid/late '90s, he was one of my heroes as a kid. Plus, "The Big Hurt" has to have one of the greatest nicknames in baseball history!

    Thanks for the contest!

  5. If is to wish I'd wish to meet the three! Why? I don't know anyone of them. And for sure I don't have any kid memory about them. So I'd make adult memories of them.

  6. If ever a contest was too legit to quit.....this is it.

    And meeting up? Hmmmm......Big Hurt.

  7. Certainly "The Big Shirt". I'd ask him why his swing got so long when he started playing in Toronto...

  8. Thanks for the contest. I'd prefer to meet the Kid. I'm one who believes he didn't get fair deal with the Reds and I'd love to hear his non-PC stance on his treatment in Cincy.

  9. You didn't define WHICH Frank Thomas! I want to meet this Frank Thomas and ask him about his fight with Richie Allen, his years with the Original Mets including what it was like to play for Casey Stengel, and his memories of baseball in the 50s.

    I guess that disqualifies me from a contest entry. LOL So if I can't meet 'The Original' I'll settle for M.C. Hammer. I'd ask him if he still wears those silly parachute pants!

  10. I would want to meet the "Big Hurt" because I've been a collector of his for a long time.

  11. Junior without a doubt. Mainly because I can't fit into my parachute pants anymore!

  12. Wooo! Thanks!

    And Griffey, because he's one of the game's elite and was an all-around great player.

  13. Fuji,
    I've meet the Kid and don't care to meet Hammer so for me Frank Thomas would be the guy need a "Big Hurt" auto too! also, check out the pimping of the contest link below. Thanks for another contest.


  14. Hammer's music wasn't quite in my wheelhouse, so I'd pick between the two ballplayers. As a strong but not so fast 1B type, not a lithe CF type, I'd rather meet Frank Thomas, the kind of player I could imagine I was emulating as a kid.

    Thanks for yet another contest, and I've promoted it here:

  15. I would love to meet Griffey, I have been a fan of the Kid since he was drafted. Before the injury-bug set in and kept him on IR during most of the 2000s he was the face of the MLB. Like Thomas he played with heart and not steroids, his 630 homeruns were done the all-nature way.

    Could you imaging what his numbers would look like if he hadn't been hurt every year for a decade? He would be on top of the HR list instead of an "*" and he would have easily topped 3,000 hits.

    I also promoted the contest, but please do not inlcude me in the drawing for the July contest because I won last month.

    1. Thanks for participating and offering to give someone else a chance to win. I hope you'll enter my August contest.

  16. Thanks for the contest, Fuji! As for me, I'd prefer to meet Junior Griffey. Just because he's amongst the greatest players in the history of the game.
