30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sayonara Salute #23: Earl Weaver & Stan Musial

I created this blog as a way to document my hobby and sports related experiences... sort of like a journal.  Usually, I focus on the present.  But every now and then, I reflect on the past.  Today, I'll do both.

Over the weekend, we mourned the loss of Earl Weaver and Stan Musial.  Whether you watched them as a kid, heard stories about them from your grandfather, or read about them on people's blogs... each of these gentlemen made their mark on their fans' lives.

As a collector who doesn't give much thought to baseball managers, things were much different as a child.  Growing up, I loved following managers.  Guys like Buck Rodgers, Roger Craig, Bobby Cox, Davey Johnson, Whitey Herzog, Sparky Anderson, Don Zimmer, Tommy Lasorda, Gene Mauch, Joe Torre, and Tony LaRussa were some of my favorites.  

But two stood out above the rest: Billy Martin and Earl Weaver.  Watching them argue with umpires was more entertaining than watching the actual game.

Rest in peace Mr. Weaver.  You will always be a part of my childhood.

On the other hand, Stan Musial played his final game nearly ten years before I was born and factored very little into my childhood.

But today, Musial is the centerpiece of my Damage Card PC:

The card on the left is a hard signed card that I pulled from a pack years ago.  Unfortunately, the card was severely damaged during the packaging process and has a giant crimp mark at the bottom.  The 1959 Topps was in a grab bag I purchased at the flea market last summer.  It's off-centered, has pin holes, is written on, and has part of the back ripped off.

Rest in peace Mr. Musial.  You'll be remembered for many reasons, by many people.  But in this household, you'll always be the inspiration for my Damaged Card PC.

Sayonara Mr. Weaver and Mr. Musial!

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