30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hidden Treasures #9: Jackie Robinson Illustration

Every February, my school celebrates
Black History Month by having the students research an individual they admire and consider to be an important figure in our country's history.  When they're finished, the students choose one of the following: write & present a speech, write a report, or create a poster of their person.  95% of the students choose to create a poster.

It's pretty amazing the amount of talent that passes through my classroom each year.  There's simply not enough space on my classroom walls or blog page for that matter to show it off.  But the poster at the top of this post is special, because it was a gift from one of my students who knows I have a deep admiration for
Mr. Robinson.

No... I'm not some freaky stalker who eats, sleeps, and dreams of
Jackie.  But I frequently use Mr. Robinson as an example of "courage" and "perseverance" in my class.  In fact, the following quote is hanging in the front of my class:

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.

You might be wondering... why didn't you show this off in February?  Well... I actually misplaced it and discovered it buried in a stack of papers on my desk while I was cleaning my classroom this morning.

So Aimee... if you're reading this. I apologize for the delay, but thank you very much for this poster.  By the end of the week, I should have it framed and hanging in my office @ home.

Everyone else... have a great week!


  1. That is a fantastic quote! I might have to use that for my own classroom haha

    1. Here's another quote I really like too:

      I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.

  2. Replies
    1. I know. I wish I had 1/10th the artistic ability of her.

  3. Nice poster! Interesting that she choose to use a Montreal uniform instead of the Dodgers.

    1. I actually asked her that myself (back when I graded it)... but I forgot the reason :-(

  4. I don't intend to hi-jack your post, but i have sent a few emails to you about the prize you won at 30-Year Old Cardboard. I need to get your mailing address so I can ship.

    Please email me at bapple2286@hotmail.com


    1. I apologize... somehow your emails were dropped into my spam folder. I just responded. Thanks for the contest and happy 4th blog birthday.
