30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, June 11, 2012

Y'all want this CONTEST started... right?

It's the third week of June, which means two things:

1. The regular school year is officially over and I'm starting to teach summer school.
2. It's time for my 3rd annual The Chronicles of Fuji contest.

First off... let's take a look contest description:

As with my other annual contests, this contest will run for approximately 6 to 7 weeks. During that time, participants will be asked to answer questions, leave comments, and participate in mini contests. Every time you do, you will receive points. For every 5 points you accumulate, your name will be entered once into random.org to receive one of the prize packages (see below). In other words, the more you participate, the better your odds are.

The top 3 point earners will automatically win one of the prize packages. All prize packages will be assigned randomly using random.org. However, there will be a period of time for collectors who want to trade their prizes at the end of the contest.

There are two key changes from last year. 5 points = 1 entry. This doesn't take anything away from the contest, but it will save me a lot of time when entering names into random.org.

If you're worried about entries, trust me there will be plenty of points to go around. Last year, added 524 names into the website. I figure this change will simplify things.

The other major change is the addition of a Blog Bat Around component. What's that, you ask?
Well... essentially, I'll be offering bonus points on specific posts if you're willing to share your responses on your blog. I'm a huge fan of blogger interaction... and this is a way for my blog to interact with yours.

Next... let's check out the rules:

1. There will be at least 10 prize packages. I'd like to spread the wealth, so I'm going to set a limit of one prize per household.
2. To qualify you must be a follower of this blog.
3. CCW members are welcome to join, but you must submit your answers & responses directly on my blog. I don't log into CCW on a regular basis, so answers left on CCW posts will not be counted.
4. Please be aware that there are expiration dates for your contest entries. Typically, I allow people to add comments, responses, or answers until the next post. However for certain posts, I make exceptions.
5. I reserve the right to add additional rules or make amendments if any problems occur. I don't remember having problems in the past, but I'll put this in just in case.

Now... here's a peek at some of the prizes:

Prize Package A: Kellogg's Lenticular 15 Card Lot

If you follow my blog... then by now you should know that I'm a huge fan of food issues... especially Kellogg's cereal cards. Here's a small starter lot for someone who shares an interest.

Prize Package B: 2012 Wax Eye Cereal Killers Series 1 Sticker Set

While we're on the subject of cereal, we might as well get this prize package out of the way. I recently busted several boxes of this stuff and was able to build several sets. The winner will receive the full 55 sticker set. If you're not familiar with this product, check out my review. If you weren't a fan before, you might be now.

Prize Package C: 1983 Donruss HOF Heroes Set

Last month, I busted a box of this product and was able to build 5 sets. The winner will receive one complete 44 card set w/ a wrapper. If you'd like to see which hall of famers are in the set, check out my review. I scanned every card and the checklist.

Prize Package D: Graded Football Card Lot

Three football players, three different grading companies, and three different grades. What more do you want? I mean, who can't use a PSA 9 rookie card of one of the biggest draft busts in the history of the game? LOL... let's see if anyone is willing to trade for this prize package.

Prize Package E: Japanese Kitty Cat Cards, Promos, & Baseball Card Lot

This is another prize package you probably won't understand unless you're a reader of the blog. But the key to this prize are the two unopened packs of kitty cards. Go ahead... click here and see for yourself. They're weird... but the post was surprisingly popular. The winner will also receive two promo cards for Robert Fitts' book, an Ichiro "wannabe" rookie card, and a memorabilia card of Kazuo Matsui.

As usual, I'll start the contest off by showing you the first five prizes. Over time, I'll throw in more prize packages. I guarantee there will be a minimum of 10 prize packages handed out at the end of the contest.

Last, but not least, here a chance for you to start earning some points:

1 Point: Follow my blog & comment below.
6 Points: Follow my blog, plug my contest on your blog, & leave a link to your plug below.

I'll accept your contest entries for this post and any contest plugs until this Friday at 9:00pm (PST). Thanks for participating and I hope all of you enjoy this year's contest. Let the games begin!

Happy Monday & sayonara!


  1. Well I am following this great blog but expect a post on Pure Adrenalyn soon!

  2. Followed for quite a while, and I'll pimp sometime during the week.

  3. I'm already following, but I have no chance of meeting the rules for this contest. Good luck to the winner!

    1. What are you talking about? You've already earned a point!

  4. http://waxaholic.blogspot.ca/2012/06/it-must-be-that-time-of-year.html

    you been pimped.

  5. I am a follower of you, Fuji-San.

  6. Looking forward to this great contest!

  7. You know I follow. Been looking forward to this for a while now...

    and you know I'm down for some pimping:


    Thanks, my summer entertainment has now commenced!!

  8. Think I'm reigning Champion, blog pimp will be up later!

    1. http://arbitrary-crap.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/3rd-annual-giveaway-fujis.html

    2. Thanks for the plug... best of luck!

  9. I'm in, I have followed for some time, I have pimped.


    Thanks for the contest!

  10. Hmm...does the comment need to be clever?

  11. Can I make it two years in a row as a winner?
    Damn right I can.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Enjoy reading your blogs.Allso great contest.

  14. You know I've been here for a long time. Next year it will be the Sharks hoisting that Cup!

    1. I sure hope so! Thanks for participating!

  15. I'm in, and I've promoted here:


  16. Followed, plugged and blogged! Must. Win. KITTEH


  17. hey hey fuji - i'm already a follower. i'll let you know when i post a link for the contest.

  18. consider this contest PEEEMPED !


  19. This Cub fan wants the kittens!


  20. I'm in...pimpage post going up tomorrow.

  21. Following and plugged:

    It's not every day that you have a chance to win some kitty cat cards. I most certainly will not fail!

  22. Following and pimping:


  23. Cool contest. Fantastic Prize packages. Following and Plugging.


  24. Following and pimped


  25. Following, pimped.

  26. Must be a follower? More Blogger.com bias :(

  27. Pimpage posted this morning.


  28. Fantastic! Let me get a plug post together. Looking forward to this! Good luck everyone!

  29. Plugged and linked. http://booboosue.blogspot.com/2012/06/contest-time-over-at-chronicles-of-fuji.html

  30. http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=7645840429287281387#editor/target=post;postID=2295659410323697774

    Contest over at Fuji's

  31. Pimpage complete...


  32. First time follower/pimper here, really looking forward to this contest!


  33. Greetings!

    You have been joined. Looking forward to the contest. I have no site, so no pimpage unfortunately. Thanks again!

  34. Ok, Hear is my comment I'm now a follower and have pimped the contest see link below.


    Thanks, Dion

  35. pimped:


  36. pimped out your contest:


    1. Oh yeah, I am also a follower of your blog now.

  37. I am a follower and you have been pimped!


  38. I follow you like the tissue stuck to your shoe...

    And I've plugged your blog like butt hair on an insecure 40 year old man's head:

  39. Follow 'da blog: Check
    Pimp 'da contest: Check
    Linkage: http://fanofreds.blogspot.com/2012/06/2012-allen-ginter-group-break-braves_14.html

    Points shall be mine!

  40. Replies
    1. Thank you very much to everyone who entered and helped promote this contest. Contest entries for this particular post are officially closed, but there is still time to earn points on my flea market post.

  41. Wow, dang blogger loves to post my comment and then take it away. I'm a follower now, but I have no website to provide pimpage. Thanks for the contest!
