30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sayonara Salute #20: Kordell "Slash" Stewart

I just heard about Kordell Stewart retiring from football... almost a week after the average football fan found out. But at least it didn't take me six years, six months, and twenty-four days. That's how long it took for Stewart to file his retirement papers after playing his final NFL game.

Anyways, congratulations Slash! It was a pleasure to watch you play over the years. Your career numbers aren't exactly worthy of Canton. But your ability to throw the ball, line up as a wide receiver, and run the ball like a running back made me a fan early in your career.

Enjoy your retirement Mr. Stewart!


  1. So I always loved Slash...and his career seemed like Seneca Wallace's if he played more games...so I had to do a stat comparison.

    And you know what? Seneca, granted in less time, seems to be the better QB than Stewart in their primes. Better completion % (by quite a bit), better TD rate, better INT rate, fewer sacks per dropback. Only place Kordell has Seneca beat is in YPC. I kinda wonder what would've happened if the two switched roles...Kordell drifting around the league as a backup a few years earlier...maybe Seneca could've held off Kent Graham and won a Super Bowl or two for the Steelers.

    1. Great information. Thanks for doing the research. As a Hawks fan, I liked Wallace. He was a solid backup to Hasselbeck and I agree... it would have been interesting to see if he would have flourished on a different team.

    2. Thanks! Slash was awesome too though - the hail mary at michigan will always be a fantastic play.

    3. Yeah... that hail mary pass was insane. Something like 60 or 70 yards in the air.

  2. So did he just forget to sign the papers or what? I gotta figure by year two or three that anyone would've realized a comeback is just not in the cards. I admit I would've taken out of the game for six years Slash over Hanie the last couple weeks of the season in an effort to maybe back into the playoffs last year though.

    1. Lol... not sure what the guy was thinking. But it's nice that it's officially over.
