30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Saturday, March 31, 2012

PC Addition: Japanese Trading Cards

Yesterday, I wrote about TakaTanakaGiant's "care package" for me & my students.

Today, I'm showing off what I pulled from the stack and added to my collection:

A Trio of 2011 BBM Former MLBers

TakaTanakaGiants shipped a healthy stack of Japanese baseball cards and included some cool parallels and inserts. But the ones I wanted the most were these three, because they all played in the MLB and I figured they'd look cool paired with their rookie cards.

Dynamic Darvish Duo

The card on the left is a subset card from the 2011 BBM set... and the card on the right is a promo card, which also features Norichika Aoki of the Milwaukee Brewers.

Japanese Baseball Team Mascots

I'm a huge fan of MLB mascots... especially Stomper & the Swinging Friar. But the mascots from across the Pacific sure give them a run for their money. These are going straight into my Japanese PC binder.

2010 BBM Sumo Wrestler Cards

I'm a huge fan of odd-balls... and this is the first time I've ever seen sumo cards. I figured my students probably wouldn't appreciate cardboard featuring obese, topless men, in thongs as much as I would. LOL.

2011 BBM Series 2 Wax Pack

Is there another Darvish inside? I'll never know, because this is going straight into my unopened Japanese Wax Pack Collection. This pack is the 33rd one in my collection... but I'm in the process of possibly adding some more in the near future.

1/1 Calligraphy Card

Last, but certainly not least is the awesome one of a kind calligraphy card written by TakaTanakaGiant's wife. Is this awesome or what?

Thanks again TakaTanakaGiants... these are huge additions to my collection.

Happy Saturday... and sayonara!


  1. They make sumo cards? They make sumo cards! must. have. sumo. cards.

    Awesome stuff.

  2. yeah, i didn't realize they had sumo card either. i'm hoping to get my hands on a few of these packs.

  3. Look at it this way....BBM makes badminton cards. Now take every sport that is even remotely more mainstream than that, and you can automatically assume some company in Japan makes cards for it.

    1. Lol... badminton? That's awesome. I need to add a pack of those to my collection.

  4. Glad you liked the cards! Like I mentioned earlier, it was a lot of fun putting the package together.
    At today's show, I found a nice card and a grab bag of packs to add to your collection. I'll let you know when it's ready to go out, once I get organized.
    Wish I could see the expression on your students' faces. Haha!

    1. Awesome... I'm so excited. Let me know how much I owe you for the grab bag and the card.

  5. You are absolutely correct there Fuji. Those mascot cards are off the freaking hook!!! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for some of them for sure. I'm really stuck in a giggling fit over the Hiroshima Toyo Carp card, kinda looks like the bastard step-child of the Phillie Phanatic and a smurf!!
    Thanks for pointing me to this post!!

    1. I thought it was the Phillie Phanatic at first too. Huge fan of these cards.

  6. Great blog. All posts have something to learn. Your work is very good and i appreciate you and hopping for some more informative posts. Yugioh ocg sets

  7. I discovered BBM Sumo cards about 3 years ago, and have feverishly devoted my collecting pursuits to assembling all of the sets from 1997-date. Here is my sumo card page on imageevent.com for those interested: http://imageevent.com/supplex55/supplex55bbmsumocardcollection1997 I have a great number to trade/sell as well.
