30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Does anyone really watch the LPGA?

Anyone interested in LPGA? Me neither... but I figured I'd ask.

My existence on this planet is closing in on four decades, yet I've never watched an LPGA event in my lifetime. The fact is... I love to golf... but watching it has never been high on my priority list. And watching women's golf is even lower on the totem poll.

But today is special day. It's Lorena Ochoa's birthday.

If you're not familiar with her, she was once the top female golfer in the world. In fact, she is considered by some to be the greatest golfer to come out of Mexico and was the first one to be ranked #1.

Her list of achievements on the LPGA tour is long and impressive (lol... that's what she said).

Futures Tour Rookie of the Year: 2002
Futures Tour Player of the Year: 2002
LPGA Tour Rookie of the Year: 2003
LPGA Tour Rolex Player of the Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, & 2009
LPGA Vare Trophy Winner (Lowest Scoring Average): 2006, 2007, 2008
LPGA Tour Money Winner: 2006, 2007, 2008

I'm so out of touch, when it comes to women's professional golf, that I just found out she retired in May 2010. According to ESPN, she'll be eligible for the LGPA Tour Hall of Fame next year in 2012.

I pulled the 2004 SP Signature 8x10 autograph of Ochoa a few years ago, when I was trying to track down a Tiger. Anyways... you have to admit... Upper Deck sure knew how to make cards. That photograph is absolutely amazing. The only downside was their choice to use sticker autographs.

Happy 30th Birthday Senora Ochoa!

What about all of you...

Do you golf?
Do you watch golf on TV?
Do you watch women's golf on TV?

Hasta luego! Have a great week everyone.

NaBlo WriMo Daily Total: 284 Words
November Total: 3,943 Words


  1. No, no, and no. As you say, watching golf is one of the least-likely things to happen during the course of my day. I wouldn't mind going to an event one year for the LPGA, if only to say I saw a professional golf tournament in person. I have many of the complete sets Upper Deck put out that included LPGA players. But I just won't watch golf. It's not exciting. Tin Cup (the movie), on the other hand: great! And Happy Gilmore. Um, Caddyshack too. Why are there so many good golf movies yet golf itself is so unappealing to me?

  2. Nope. I'll tune in during the Masters, but I get tired of it very quickly.

    I actually turned off Tin Cup in the middle of the movie. A golfing/movie fan got mad at me for saying that, but I just couldn't get into it.

    Gotta love Paul Creamer though.

  3. Do I golf? Well, I played 108-holes in one day this summer. So, yes, I golf.
    Do I watch golf on TV? I may stumble into a Saturday or Sunday round of a major once a year, but I'd much rather go play golf than sit and watch it.
    Do I watch the LPGA? Never have. Although I regret not going to the US Women's Open when it was in Colorado Springs this summer. I'd watch a junior high match if it meant being at the Broadmore Golf course.

  4. Why typing quickly sucks:

    There is no Paul Creamer. At least there's no Paul Creamer on the LPGA Tour.

    It's Paul-a Creamer.

    Forgive me, Paula.

  5. I used to golf. I started when I was in the Navy and I could play the military courses in Hawaii for $10. I don't have time anymore so I sold my clubs about 10 years ago and haven't golfed in at least 15 years.

    I might watch the final round of the majors. If I'm home and there is nothing else on television.

    I HAVE watched part of an LPGA tourney...only because Cristie Kerr was leading and I have a serious crush on her. If Natalie Gulbis was at the top of the leaderboard more often, I might watch that.

  6. I do play golf, but have not played for quite awhile.
    I was never good at it though. I do like to watch the majors on television. As for women's golf, yes I do watch it. As my first golf instructor said, the women's game is a better showing of the fundamentals of the game. And I do have a small but hopes to grow collection of PGA and LPGA cards.

  7. ryan - i started golfing about five years ago (late bloomer), but i still loved all three movies you referred to, before putting a club into my hands. i guess a good movie is worth watching, even when the actual sport isn't worth playing. i guess for me it's probably like "poker"... a lot of my buddies love the game, but i have no interest... but teddy kgb (rounders) is one of my favorite movie characters of all-time.

    night owl - lol, i knew who you were talking about... she's cute.

    eric - holy crap... 108 holes? i'm tired after 12 or 13... that's crazy.

    play at the plate - a round of golf in hawaii for $10? maybe i should consider joining the military. i never heard of kerr, but she's cute (and more age appropriate for me than creamer or gulbis... although gulbis is smoking hot).

    tshenson - have you ever collected the early 90's pro set products? they had some great names, a decent (i like plain) design, and the stuff is dirt cheap. it'll never be worth anything, but they're fun to sort through.
