30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sports Card Bust #24: Pat Falloon

Another birthday... another bust. Today is Pat Falloon's 38th birthday. Mr. Falloon was the first player chosen by the San Jose Sharks in the history of their franchise. I can remember chasing down his 1991 Arena holograms (Limited Edition of 99,000) and thinking he was going to be the next big super-star.

Pat didn't disappoint his fans... his rookie season was amazing. He led the team in goals, assists, and points. Who knew that his rookie season would be his best. After breaking down his stats... some may argue the fact that he's one of the NHL's biggest draft busts. So check out the pro's and con's... and decide yourself.

The Pros:
1. He scored 25 goals in a season twice in his career (91/92 & 95/96)
2. He had three 50 point seasons.
3. He had 143 goals and 178 assists for a total of 322 career points.
4. He played 9 seasons on 5 NHL teams.

The Cons:
1. Umm... if that's all you accomplished during your career and you're the number 2 pick in the draft... then you're a bust.

Sorry Pat... you were one of my favorites since day one and you'll always be special to any serious Sharks fan. However... in the eyes of hockey fans... you are a bust.

By the way... here's one of the famous holograms that I bought back in 1991. I'm not 100% sure... but I think I spent around $10 a piece for them.

Speaking of holograms... here's your question of the day: How many of you were addicted to the "hologram" trend during the 90's? Do you have a favorite "hologram" card/set?

Three days down... two days to go!


  1. Yes, Pat Falloon was a bust. One of my favorite sets that I own is the 1991 Arena French Hockey set. I have 37,926 of 99,000. Here is the Pat Falloon from the set.

  2. dodgerbobble - I have several of those cards too! Gotta love those tuxedo cards.
