30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Welcome To Your New Home Jackie!

I was less than a year old when Jackie Robinson passed away, so I never had the opportunity to see him play or speak. My only memories I have of him are from stories and pictures. I have a poster of him sliding into home plate hanging up in my classroom. Each year I use it to teach my students the character traits, "perseverance" and "courage", because that's what it took (along with tremendous talent) for Mr. Robinson to break baseball's color barrier.

It's hard to fathom that he did this several years before the civil rights movement of the 50's and 60's. Racism surrounded him wherever he went. He had to deal with angry fans, players, and even teammates, but he never quit. Instead he modeled courage and persevered to become an icon and role model for future generations.

Yesterday, I received this Jackie Robinson relic card. It wasn't cheap, but in my opinion it was worth every penny. I'll be honest, if I live long enough... I'll eventually sell a big part of my collection. However there are some cards that are meant to be passed down generation to gereration. This is one of those cards. I don't have any children of my own, but I'm sure one of my nieces or nephews will appreciate the lesson that comes with this card.

Welcome home Jackie.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the Jackie Robinson card. I can't image what it's like to have a card/piece of history like that from a true sports and social hero. Good Stuff!!!!
