30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Monday, February 24, 2025

Not My Local Card Shop

This weekend my brother and I went up to Roseville to spend some time with our oldest brother who recently retired there.  As luck would have it... there's a card shop two miles away.  So while we were out and about, they dropped me off so I could check it out.

I only had ten minutes there while the rest of the family hit up the post office, so I quickly checked out their display cases and pack selection.  They had some really nice singles, but there weren't any great deals to be had.  However in an effort to support them, I grabbed a jumbo pack of 2025 Topps Series 1:

Forty cards for twenty-five bucks.  Yeah this was an out-of-character purchase, but at least I have some of the new stuff to show off on the blog:

Not much to say about the base set.  It's not my favorite flagship design... but it's not my least favorite either.  I pulled a pair of Sacramento Athletics and the Padres team card for my PC's:

2025 Topps #39

In addition to the thirty-seven base cards, I pulled three parallel/inserts:

2025 Topps Rainbow Foilboard #101

2025 Topps 1990 Baseball #T90-47

2025 Topps 2024 Greatest Hits #GH-8

Nothing too special about the parallel and two inserts I pulled.  Topps continues to utilize past designs and uninspiring inserts that flood today's dollar bins.  At least these three cards found homes specific pages of my binders.

In hindsight, I would have been much better off purchasing a blaster from Target, but like I said... I wanted to support the shop.

Right after I ripped open the pack and put away the singles, I opened a PWE from Tom over at The Angels, In Order.  He sent me this Masahiro Tanaka for my collection:

2018 Triple Threads Emerald #22 (#'d 107/259)

Thank you Tom!  I've got a pair of Archives autographs for your set build that I'll toss in the mail sometime this week.

As for the rest of you...

Happy Monday and sayonara!


  1. Good on you for supporting a local hobby shop. If I had to describe 2025 Topps, I'd probably just say unfinished and uninspired. The base design isn't terrible, just looks unfinished with the hollow team name and colored foil bands leading to nowhere. The inserts have been boring for a long time now. Just do the design from 35 years ago and start planning next year's throwback. I thought about making a post on my blog about the release but I already put the cards away and can't be bothered to pull them out again. That in itself tells you about all you need to know about 2025 Topps. Plus, showing some comment love to someone who is a true commenting All-Star, just seems right to me.

  2. Arenado wins it.
    The Athletics are dead to me.

  3. I kinda like the design this year, but not for 63¢ a card. Ouch

  4. No sir, I don't like it.

  5. How many tacos could you have bought with that $25.00 :)

  6. I can tell collation is the same as it's been for years. That looks like a lot of the same cards I posted.

  7. Yeah, I'm afraid I got more value out of the $12 hanger box I bought at Target, unless that "Greatest Hits" insert is a super short print or something.

  8. I like the cards, even though I still don't have any. I have noticed on pics that some of the names are really hard to read. If that's the case, I won't be a big fan of the set.

  9. ryan h - thank you for reading and commenting. truly appreciate it. i want the hobby to thrive, so my goal is to go to local card shops whenever i travel.

    elliptical man - don't blame you. i'm going to still root for them, but i won't be buying their gear until fisher sells the team.

    gca - i probably should have bought a regular pack instead, but that broke down to almost a dollar per card.

    anonymous - don't blame you

    johnnys trading spot - a lot. we planned on hitting up del taco while we were there, but never got the chance. going back to watch an a's game. hopefully we'll grab some tacos then.

    night owl - i ran into the collation issues last year when i was building the flagship set. i'm missing a handful of cards while having 5 or 6 copies of some singles

    brett alan - lol. i should have just bought one of those. i actually think they had them for $15 and hobby packs for around $10.

    michael d - yeah... when the foil is dark, it's hard to read.

  10. My wife's family lives in mid-town Sacramento. I may have to find my way up to Roseville next time I'm out there.

  11. stack22 - i guess they're pretty close to each other. next time i'm at my brother's house i might venture into sac to check out their card shops
