30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Saturday, December 28, 2024

It Takes a Blogosphere

I've been a busy blogger lately... and I'll be publishing more posts than usual in the upcoming weeks to prove it.

Today's post will target my 2024 Topps Series 1, 2, and Update set builds which received a huge boost this week from two bloggersDennis (@ Too Many Verlanders) and John (@ Johnny's Trading Spot).

To help put things into perspective, here are all of the numbers they crossed off:

And here is an updated look at my set needs:

These two generous donations have my Series 1/2 set build down to needing only 14 cards (2%) and 2 cards (.6%) for the Update set build.

These singles were only a fraction of each of their care packagesDennis sent me a really interesting collectible for my Tony Gwynn collection that will receive its own post.  While John sent me a smorgasbord of trading cards for a variety of collections that I'll highlight very soon.

Today's focus is about building sets, so I'll wrap things up with a few other singles from Dennis are for sets I'm currently working on.

2020 Topps Allen & GinterNot Complete

I started this set a little over four years ago with a blaster and a nice stack from my buddy.  A few other bloggers have contributed over the years.  These four are the latest additions

I'm still fifty-one cards short, but only a percentage of them are short prints

Set Completion Prediction2027 to 2028

I just need to find a nickel box filled with singles from this set... which might not happen for a few years.

2002 Donruss Estrellas EstrellasComplete

2002 Donruss Super Estrellas Estrellas #5

This Nomar completed the Estrellas insert set... but I'm still seeking a few others to complete the 2002 Donruss Super Estrellas master set:

Set Completion Prediction2026

This is just a matter of me opening up the wallet and purchasing singles from COMC or Sportlots.  Unfortunately... I'm not one of those guys who are willing to pay more than a buck for any of these cards, so it's a waiting game.

1992 Pro Set HOF 2000: Complete

1992 Pro Set HOF 2000 #1

Just needed one card to complete this set... and it was Marcus.

This set build is officially over.

1995 Classic Assets Phone Cards:  Complete

I think this set build started with a box break... but I'm not 100% sure.  I'm also not 100% sure why I needed two copies of the Jeff O'Neill, but according to my wantlist... I did.

And that's what Dennis sent my way:

1995 Classic Assets Phone Card #NNO

Unlike the 1992 Pro Set HOF 2000 set, this set build wasn't in my cabinet and according to my database... it's buried in a box under a lot of other boxes in my closet.  I usually reorganize my collection once a year during the spring or summer.  I'll add these to the set build(s) when that happens.

1993 Donruss Masters of the Game:  Complete

I'm always excited to complete a set, but some sets are a little more exciting than others.  I was really stoked to see this card in Dennis' care package:

1993 Donruss Masters of the Game #4

First off, it's a cool set that I hope to show off in a post eventually.  Yeah... I like it that much.

But it's also an oversized set, so I'm glad to finally take it out of my set build cupboard and make room for other projects.

1986 Topps Garbage Pail Kids Series 4:  Complete

Almost 13 years ago, I made one of my favorite card show purchases... a collection of Garbage Pail Kids from the 80's that included complete sets from Series 2 to Series 10.

1986 Topps Garbage Pail Kids Series 4 #158b

Unfortunately, there were five cards missing from the Series 4 set.  Don't remember where or when I picked up the first four cards I needed... but this IG Lou completes the collection:

However... just like the Classic Asset phone cards... this binder is sitting in a box that needs to be unearthed.  I know where it is, but won't be able to dig it out until the spring.

So there you have it... a bunch of set builds and a lot of generosity from two awesome bloggers.  Both of these guys actually sent more stuff.  These were just cards of the set building variety.  I'll definitely showcase the other items from their care packages in the next few weeks.

Until then...

Thank you John and Dennis!

Happy Saturday and sayonara!


  1. 1) You're welcome.
    2) cross off that smlb-3 Acuna. just put it in your very small stack that I will actually mail out very soon.
    3) Happy New Year (soon).


  3. Nice summary of your set builds. Really like the GPK cards and remember buying several packs as a kid. Dont have many but we loved those as kids.

    I too will have to bite the bullet on the 2024 Topps set but I dont have the SMLB subset nearly as far.

  4. I love seeing folks complete sets! Things obviously went well for me to find a bunch of those that you needed on COMC. Also, I'm excited to see your reaction post for the Gwynn item!

  5. I should do a set related post sometime. So many sets I need to finish!!

  6. Great stuff to finish off some sets! Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  7. Great post! The 2024 Topps design is awesome and glad you are working to finish off some of the sets!

  8. sorry it took me so long to reply. don't usually do resolutions, but i need to at least respond to comments in a more timely matter

    johnnys trading spot - thanks again buddy. the elvis items should be arriving tomorrow... and i just sent you a new year's package today.

    poison75 - just sent out my end of the trade this afternoon. hope you enjoy the cards

    uncle charlie's shoebox - i have a bunch of 2024 topps duplicates. maybe we can help each other out

    dennis - love that gwynn item. sorry it took me so long to write about it, but i published the post today

    matt - i hear ya. my set build cupboard is overflowing. but i'm slowly checking them off

    jafronius - happy belated new year to you!

    sumomenkoman - let me know if you want to build the 2024 set. i've got plenty of extras.
