30 Day Baseball Card Challenge

Friday, January 17, 2025

Food Issues While Shedding Weight

Have you ever heard the George Brett story about a trip to a Las Vegas steakhouse and an unfortunate accident he had in the Bellagio lobby?  His story, the above photo, and a personal update is the inspiration for this post.

I'm not going to retell or summarize Brett's tale... but it involved him consuming some bad crab.  Combine that information with the look on his face & the posture of his body in the photo used on his 1991 Post card and hopefully that connects enough dots for those of you who have never heard it.

1991 Jumbo California Sunflower Seeds #4

If you still have no idea what I'm talking about and you're okay with "gross" stories... just search up "George Brett Infamous Story" on YouTube.  But don't say I didn't warn you.

1991 Jimmy Dean Signature Edition #12

Anyways... this week I didn't get food poisoning... but I came down with something similar.  To make a long story, not so long... I was down for the count the past few days.  The headache was so bad, I thought I had COVID again... but I tested negative.

1984 7-11 Slurpee Coins (West) #V-K

Today was the first day I felt pretty normal... although I'm still watching what I eat, drinking lots of water, and planning on getting some extra rest this holiday weekend.

1981 Topps Squirt #1

I'm still hoping to make my way out to the Branham Flea Market tomorrow morning and possibly hit up the local mall show to pick up some cards from a friend.  We'll see how that plays out.

Just wanted to get out a quick post, show off some "food issue" cards of Mr. Brett, and update my fellow card bloggers on why it's taking me an extra day or two to comment on your posts.

If by chance, I'm not following your blog, share your blog's website down in the comment section.  I'm always looking forward to reading new blog posts.

And if by chance you've noticed I haven't commented on your blog for quite some time, please check your "SPAM" folder in the comment section.  I've been noticing that my comments will sometimes disappear.

Happy Friday and sayonara!


  1. Hope you are feeling better - never say never, but never want to feel sick the way George was after eating crab legs.

  2. Glad you are feeling a bit better. Show off your finds when you can!

  3. Hope the news of Roki signing with The Dodgers doesn't have you pulling a George Brett 💩💩💩

  4. I certainly hope that you continue to feel better and are able to make it out to the flea market and show this weekend.

  5. Sure sounds like the Noro. That went through our office at the end of last week. It missed me thankfully. Glad you are feeling better.

  6. Love food issue cards, glad you're doing better

  7. Been enjoying your site for a long time!

  8. Hope you didn't have the kinda accident Brett had.

  9. laurens - i NEVER want to be in a situation like george's. but you never know. bad shellfish can mess you up.

    sumomenkoman - no significant finds yesterday... but at least i found a couple of items i've been looking to buy

    xavier higgins - lol. the sasaki annoucement definitely had a different impact on me.

    johnnys trading spot - made it to the flea market, but there wasn't a show. might go to one next saturday, but it's kind of a drive

    karsal - looked up noro and you might be right. if so, glad it's moved on

    john sharp - thank you mr. sharp. i love food issues to. just don't like it when my body has issues with food

    john - thanks for supporting the blog. i'll add your blog to my blogroll right now

    sg488 - i didn't. luckily i was home when things were at its worst. it's not something i was trying to test out in public :D

  10. Trying to finish the Quaker Granola Bar set I started as a kid. Just need Pete Rose, Nolan Ryan and Darrell Evans.

    Hoping that next weekend you can make the flea market trip. I also enjoy hitting up antique stores and flea markets. Outdoor ones around here though are not very common.

  11. I found you in my spam box a few times!

  12. Glad you're feeling better. Nice inclusion of the Squirt card for the George Brett story.

  13. Glad you're feeling better! I have had a few comments end up in Spam, fortunately I check fairly regularly.

  14. Glad you are feeling better. Those are some nice cards, a couple I've never seen or owned before.

  15. uncle charlie's shoebox - that's pretty cool that you are working on a set from your childhood. best of luck. i did make it out to the flea market, but didn't find anything super special. just a few items for my collection. should have the post up in a couple of days

    matt - thanks for checking. blogger has it out for me :D

    jafronius - lol. i honestly didn't even think of it in that way. sometimes things just work out that way.

    matt - thanks for checking. it happens a lot. not sure what i did to blogger to upset them :D

    jupiterhill - thanks. don't wish whatever i had on anyone.
